So Nicholas had an ultrasound appointment. Dr Gellatt came down from Gainesville and did the exam.
She was VERY nice. There was tons of cellular fluid, which we expected. She found a hypoechoic mass in the right cranial abdomen (translation: mass on the right side up near the rib cage) and also some hypoechoic regions of a very angry mesentery (translation: more masses in the central part of the abdomen). So... the suspicion is pancreatic cancer with carcinomatosis of the mesentery. Bad stuff. So, the goal right now is to make him comfortable. We can remove the fluid if it gets too distended - but that causes problems as well. Removes lots of protein. But I might try it once if he's still eating. I picked up some A/D and Recovery food - we'll see if he likes that. Might try baby food or canned chicken. I gave him some fluids last night along with Racer and he seemed to perk up a bit - both boys slept with me for the first time in a couple of days, so that was good.
I got a call from Leah this morning - Kelly did really well - wolfed down food last night, and was on her back this morning asking for belly rubs. So that was great! I took Nick in and then came home to switch cars - Kelly wouldn't be able to jump into the Edge and there's no way to pick her up with my back (she's 67#!) So I picked her up. Got to see the radiographs - you know - it truly was a fluke we found this! The spleen does look funky on the rads but honestly - it's really hard to see any kind of mass. The ultrasound is clear as a bell - can see them right away. But when they got in there, there really was nothing to explain why her belly is so huge - there's not an excess of fat, no gas, no huge masses. So it was just by fate that we found it and removed it before she bled out unexpectedly. The liver looked really funky, so they took a biopsy of that and sent it off. We should hear back in a week or so about the results of that. We'll go from there if things are bad.
I traded my van for dad's Expedition today. The van was in a hail storm last year. A horrible hail storm. It was already fixed by a place in town - a Geico guaranteed body shop - who took 3 tries to fix the roof and did a SHYTE job of it and then told me I had to "live with it" - from both the body shop AND the Geico guy. So, dad had the Mustang fixed down in S Florida and they did a great job - so they agreed to take the van. I can't WAIT to hear what they say about this - given what they said about the Mustang. It will be interesting. We're running out of time!!!