(no subject)

Apr 02, 2009 06:24

Well, we've got our winners for the header portion of challenge 1, but we're still stuck in a mess of ties for the icon! There are three (well technically four, but I can't include one because it doesn't have the community username on it. :/) tied for first, so those will be our first, second, and third places. It's now up to you again to decide what order they'll be in:

Header winners will be announced when icon winners are (hopefully tonight or tomorrow), so get your tiebreaker votes in! I'm sorry about all the voting extensions - I'm sure you all are anxious to hear the winners to Challenge 1!

Don't forget to enter Challenge 2, as it ends tomorrow night! We have 11 gorgeous entries, but we'd always love more! ♥

challenge 2, extension, challenge 1, reminder

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