Awesome October

Sep 27, 2005 21:51

October is going to be awesome!!!! The first week of October my Observation class is taking a field trip to NM to observe at a 3.5 Meter telescope, and then take a tour of the VLA. This trip is the highlight of being an astrophysics major. I'm missing like 4 days of class, but I don't care this is sooo worth all the make up I'm going to have to do. I have to make up a test on the Monday I get back, and I already had one scheduled for that day... So yeah I hope I don't fail, that would be bad.

The very next week is also going to be spectacular. On Thursday the 13th, my Dad and I are flying to Chicago for 4 days during my fall break. I'm going to see my Grandma (it's been almost 2 years since I've seen her) and my aunts & uncles & cousins, and of course my friend Casey who just started Grad school at Northwestern. Oh I'm sooo excited. Of course, as soon as I get back I have a huge project due, and another midterm.

The first two weeks of October are going to be very awesome, and very busy!!! And then there is Halloween to look forward too (and the first snow of the year).

This week is full of anticipation, and it's hard to stay focused on the work due this week, when I know how cool the next few weeks are bound to be.
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