Jun 01, 2008 21:55
I'm going to bring back the live journal. Hopefully I can update it at least once a week. The whole idea behind the live journal back in high school was to basically document what was going on in my life so that way I could stumble back upon it x years later and remember what it was like at that time in my life. So yes, I'm going to try to bring back my journal for whoever wishes to read upon it, comment, or whatever. Fuck blogs and notes on facebook, this is where it has always been at for me, and it's time for a re-launch.
Well where to begin? Summer hasn't been bad between freshmen and sophomore year at college. I'm mostly working still at Kroger. I'm also taking a class at Macomb right now, intro to psyc. I only have one week of class left, and thank God. It's five days a week from 8 to 12, although most days we get out early. The class is so easy, its ridiculous. There's this one tool in my class who's thirty-something years old and needs to die for the sake of being stupid and a damn waste of oxygen. I'm going to rank this idiot in my class in the top-ten idiotic people I've met. Then work has just been, well, work. I'm still being Kroger's bitch after two and half years. I could have had a chance to be promoted, but the department head of the department I could have transferred to is a psychedelic bitch, and I don't want to put up with that for the summer. I'll just wait until something else opens up, either in grocery or produce. I'm pulling 30 to 40 hours a week which is pretty kick ass. Got to make some money. And once my class is over and done with on Friday, work is pretty much the plan for the next few months.
Besides working, I do have a few plans for this summer. The highlight of my summer will be going to St. Louis, MI with SJV YG for my third mission trip in a row. I can't wait for it. It's going to be a challenge camp where we will be building some pretty big stuff with construction for the needy, the old, and the poor. It's going to be a lot of fun and preparing for it is going to be awesome. Although the only bad thing about mission trip is that it is on the same week of Caseville this year and it looks like I'll miss out on Caseville for the first time of my life. It's a bummer because I love it up there camping with the family, the beach, the ice cream on the corner party store, and all the traditions we have up there. Then other than that, the only other plans I have for the summer is going to Cedar Point for a day with some peeps, Houghton Lake, the NASCAR race, and all the various times hanging out with people on summer nights. I can't wait to go to Cedar Point. Hopefully we'll go sometime in the middle of June before it gets too crazy. And it sounds like Adam is in on it, which will be sweet. I hung out with him the other night along with Mike and Chad. We saw Indiana Jones and went to get some food afterwards. Indy was good, but some elements were far-fetched and the story with the whole Roswell aliens seemed out of place (sorry if I spoiled it there). It was a good night hanging out with the old school gang and we're definitely going to keep that going all summer long. Other than that, I think this has been a long enough entry for a comeback entry. Time to study for an easy exam I have tomorrow morning, so until next time dudes and dudettes, adios.