Dec 09, 2005 10:20
yeah I had a pretty crappy day onfriday so I wanted to go over to JenniMarie's house and maybe catch a movie.. but she had to do something important with her mom. so friday at aorund 7 I went to maha's house and we watched house of was alright, not what i expected it to be.. anyways we made grilled cheese. mmm :) and we just went on line and prank called. it was so much fun. prank calling is the best . i love it! we called and were like "were calling from the health unit and we want 10 seconds of your time" lol so heres our survey
1-Do you like your neighborhood?
2-Are there gangsters surrounding your house every morning?
3-How many times a day do you visit the bathroom?
lol .. and so as we did this we ended up calling a guy who sounded pretty hot on the phone and maha's like laughin her ass off in the corner while i ask this poor kid thse questions and then hes like "Is this natalia?" hahahha it was funny were like NO"we randomly called people and this is suppose to be a prank call you dumbass" it was soo funny you had to be thre but yeah maha kept saying that we shuold call back and ask for his msn email.. hahahNO! that would make us sound so desperate!
anyways.. at the end of the night my dad came and picked me up at like 1am .. gosh it was FUNFUNFUN!!
JenniMarie and I are suppose to hangout today..but im not sure whats going on with her so i have to askk. but other then that.this weekend has been going very well. friday was a gay day.. i didnt want to be at school.. and uhh it was just not my day. and plus while i was at maha's i found some things disturbing. well lets call this person agent08. well agent08 is well kind of a friend to me and shes really nice she talkes to me on line and we say hello to each other inthe halls. well agent08 apparently sends things to angent007 *heheh things about me saying a whole bunch of crap about how im annoying blahblahh im not going into detail because its going to give it away. I hate it when people talk about other people like dont you have the guts to talk about me in front of my face if something was bothering you that much? oh man these things make me cry sometimes because its SO not fair ..
I love my life and i dont sink my self that low to talk about doesnt matter because I wasnt suppose to know. JenniMarie and I talked on the phone last night until 5AM and im so tired right now. IM reading the best novel its called 'Towelhead' its so intersting because it talks about how racist people were to the arabs in like 1991 when Saddam Hussein was invading Kuwait. but anyways Im going to get another book today that i put on hold Emily told me about..'the perks of being a wallflower' and something else that i dont remember i had been wanting to read for a while. so nayways my reading list is pretty full right now.. I better go make myself somebreakfast and call JenniMarie.. I hope we can hangout today since we do almost every saturday. she makes me smile.cuz shes BFF<3 ..
Leave me some comments ..
Love and peace in the middle east!