Works been going ok of late not much happening there well apart from me finding out I have one more days holiday then I thought.
I went to see Sonic Boom Six play on Sunday. They were excellent as always. I'm really enjoying their new album its a bit more accessible then their older stuff I think the catchiness suits them.
It really has been an excellent year for albums I thought I'd mention a few of my favorites
Turisas - The Varangian Way
Its a concept album about the vikings journey to Constantinople. Soundwise its metal mixed with scandinavian folk music. It also happens to be the most epic thing I have ever heard. The first track "To Holmgard and Beyond" makes me wish I had a drinking horn it just makes you want to stand up and sing/shout along.
Finntroll - Ur Jordens Djup
It credits someone for "additional drunken trollish shouting" what more needs to be said.
Sonic Boom Six - Arcade Perfect
The album they have been threatening to make for ages now. The best British punk release since Capdowns debut.
Streelight Manifesto - Somewhere in the Between
Awesome release from the best Ska Punk band in ages.
Random Hand - Change of Plan
Agressive Ska punk/Metal
JB Conspiracy - This Machine
Slightly manic skacore.
And thats just off the top of my head.
I saw the last episode of evangellion. Must say I didn't really enjoy the last two episodes. I've heard they were suffering from budgetry constraints but did it have to disapear so far up its own arse. I mean I recognise that it always threatened to but still. Anyway is the movie any better?
I've jsut been catching up with Nothing Nice Too Say. Its one of my favorite comedy webcomics
at the moment. Is it wrong that I find this one endlessly amusing.
In other news I just read the first vokume of Transmetropolitan. Its just a bit awesome.