That is to say, Priest the movie. Here,
have a trailer.
I'll spoil the plot for you: Paul Bettany engages in irrelevant heroics while Maggie Q saves the day.
Also, the future is once again badly lit. They have super-tech solar-powered jet-motorcycles, but building a light bulb that doesn't flicker or go out all the time is a mystery that continues to elude them.
Also also, the movie is unclear on the fact that "priests" are not a group in the church distinct from "the clergy." On the other hand, priests in this world are also a cadre of bad-ass superhuman ninja warriors, so perhaps the sacrament of orders works differently in Dimly Lit Dystopiastan.
Also^3, the villain is named in the credits "Black Hat." He doesn't tie anyone to the railroad tracks, but there is a train involved.
All together, it was about what I expected; and I think Seattle U let me down by not teaching a class in crucifix-ninja-star-throwing.