May 19, 2008 10:29
Why do people feel the need to remind me of embarrassing moments?
I suppose it's because I have the ability to laugh at myself. And I guess bringing up such moments is only second nature to my family, which tends to remember things that make them laugh.
Like me.
I consider myself to be a pretty normal person. Good looks. Smart. Academic. Keeps a level head more or less. Like to be prepared. Gets good grades. Etc...
I do, however, have a fatal flaw that seems to keep respect for my intelligence just beyond my reach.
I am a comic gold mine,
Not intentional comedy, you understand. I don't force any of my relations or friends to sit down and endure a barrage of jokes and sketches that I made one day when I was bored. No, my kind of comedy is what the English majors like to refer to as situational comedy, hence the term sit coms for some of those popular tv shows.
Of course, in true sit com fashion, the way I get myself into such (though not all) situations is through my mouth.
It's not that I say "the wrong thing". I'm fairly careful about what I say. It's that I tend to get words mixed up in my head and sometimes...that's what comes out of my mouth.
Example: "Any port in a storm" turns into "Any port in a harbor".
...cliches can be a stumbling block for me.
Another way my mouth grants me instant fame is through voicing certain, er, misconceptions.
Example: Did you know Afghanistan is in South America?
My dad and brother went to Borders after that little gem and bought me a few world history books.
Geography was never one of my strong points, I'm afraid...
The third way that my mouth kills my reputation as an intelligent person is by making noises.
Weird noises.
The kind of noises that typically come out when something is about to happen that I REALLY don't want to happen and I attempt to stop the action before it is too late and the pressure is so great that I can't think of a word or I can't get the words out fast enough...
So I make a noise. Typically a squaking noise of some sort, but I've been known to have variations of it.
Communication. Who knew it was so hard?
You can see my dilemma here. As you're reading this, you probably have a fairly good impression of what my command for the english language is. I'm fine typing things out. It allows me the chance to think of what I want to say and the best way to say it that the flow of normal conversation does not always give (though I am certainly not against a little one-on-one). So, how do I make my opinion heard when certain members of my family are more focused on my speech issues than on what I'm trying to communicate?
I don't know. Sometimes, I just give up. Sometimes, it's just more work than it's worth. I am a smart woman. I am capable of intelligent conversation. I do have emotions and opinions that I'd like to express. I don't mind bringing up a past stumbling because they are funny and I know how to laugh at myself.
What I do mind is having such moments brought up often. And when my friends catch on to my verbal trippings and start to giggle. I'll laugh with them. I'll even make jokes about it myself. But, I can't stand it when judgements of my intellect are made based off of such small mistakes. It's not fair. It makes me feel stupid and like no one respects my opinion. I'm not saying that everyone I meet does this. Truth be told, such things are mostly contained within my family. But, hurts. And I'm not sure how much of my family understands that.