In the literal sense. Ripping bits out of a kitchen today, rotten panelling, manky lino, dead boiler. Ugh.
Place is insanitary to say the least. Still that's six hours paid in cash, so I eat almost as well as the cat this week...
Back tomorrow to start on floorboards in the same room. The parts I pulled up by hand today crumbled to powder in my hand. Dry rot after wet rot. Woodlouses were less than thrilled. Pry bar and hammer tomorrow. And indoor mouses scattering everywhere. Fed one of the large outdoor mouses. Bread with cheese and honey, left by his home at the bottom of an old composter. Good thing they're not around here; they'd never be able to outrun Loki.
Have to also remove a tank-covering cabinet on a work surface; my suspicion is the tank is no longer behind it. I've found a couple of water tanks on the property that will have been part of the original central heating (yet to be ripped out) so the kitchen-of-doom is probably bereft of water tanks.
I won't go into details on the bathroom; it makes the kitchen look like an operating theatre. The guy who lives there doesn't clean the toilet, or notice when he misses - either end. I'd rather take a dump behind one of the bushes than set foot in it.
When the guy gets his new central heating installed the people doing it are going to be finding so many fun surprises when they start going through walls and under floors. I suspect they'll have to rip out all the existing plumbing and he'll have a bill way in excess of what he imagines. But as he's going to be living there during the Winter this year it NEEDS doing. Fabulous old place; just deeply neglected.