May 30, 2008 17:55
So tomorrow at 9am i pick up the pickup (for some reason i find this terribly amusing)
anyway - then begins the emptying on one apt and moving everything 5 mils away and back up another 3 flights of stairs.
I took some stuff over today, we took a load over wed also. Man I have a lot of crap.
no less than 5 big Rubbermaid tubs of fabric and garb - i kid you not. and the books - why must they weigh so much..realy..its not fun.
so - anyone around Providence RI area want to help little old me? I bribe in pizza and beer (or other alcoholic beverage if you prefer..)
"bats eyes prettily"
you know you want to....
of course i also don't think any of you are around here so probably not huh?