
Oct 12, 2008 11:00

I wisnae going tae post today (spot the signs I'm spending too much time with long-time friends - the accent slips *grin*). Nothing much to post. I have had a week of bad art especially the class. *shudders at the thought* Just been an 'off' week generally, and I have a million things I've been conned asked to do including making a bridal bouquet for one of my best friend's in a week and a half and making button-holes/corsage things. I've NEVER made them in my life before so it's interesting...

Tip for today: have friends with loads of money who don't need home-made rubbish from me for their wedding.

I'm going out today to buy fake flowers for a bouquet. Aarrrggghh.

Anyhoo, this is the button hole thingies. You can play 'guess which one is Ros's'. There's one for the bride (not that she'll be wearing it but I knew she'd moan if she didn't get one). There's one for the groom, one for the bride's mum, one for me, and one as a spare that I originally made for me but didn't like. I'm intrigued to see if any of you can guess my taste by now ;p

And here's a rough and quick 'trying still life at home' pastel. I did a couple but this is the one that's the least embarrassing.

And what I've been doodling. A sort of boy porn compilation of half-finished sketches (there be adult stuff in there if you can make it out lol). All of it is bad but that's all I've been managing this week. And as for finishing pics? Nah, don't be daft...:

Right, off fake flower shopping.

drivel, art(slash)

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