(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 18:36

Is it Friday yet? Haha, yeah, the week's been that long already. Not bad, just long. I've gotten moved into my apartment now, which is why I haven't been able to make entries really. I'll get service starting Friday, but until then I have to wait until before or after work to play on the internet. Anyways.

Nik's wedding was this weekend! If you have facebook, check out my pix on there. It was beautiful. Lots of fun. There was a grillout for the rehearsal dinner, then Saturday started early with hair appts and getting dressed and pictures and whoa, it was long, but good. I managed not to cry, though it was hard, but standing up front I figured I should try and control myself. I was glad I wasn't singing though, I doubt I would have made it through! I ended up leaving the dance early for several reasons. First of all, Kristen was there and I wanted to go someplace quiet so we could chat and catch up. Also, my dress was driving me nuts after wearing it for 10 hours, and I was coming unpinned, and I was also developing a massive headache. I've been getting those lately again, bummer, right? Kristen and I ordered pizza and chatted a while, but we didn't stay up that late because we were both fading fast. I spent the next day in Luverne after driving back from Marshall, and I slept the afternoon away cuz I was still tired. I don't think I've recovered from Colorado yet...maybe I never will!

This week has been okay. Softball last night, followed by DQ, but I was kinda spacey and out of it because I worked 10 hours. My phone kept ringing too. I'm so popular...or something... I was invited to go to the church to worship at 10, but I was in my pj's by then, not gonna lie, out by 10:30 probably. I'm so old. Grad school class starts in 2 weeks, at least for me. Talk about feeling old! Sheesh.

One thing I wanted to talk about is attitude. I've been observing lately (as always) and I'm intrigued by how people's attitudes shape their behavior and, ultimately, how situations turn out. Take the kids at work for example. When we're dismissing for lunch or to go outside, some have an awful attitude about it, whining and complaining that they never get to go first. Of course, they DON'T get to go first because they waste time whining that could have been spent sitting quietly and earning the privilege of going earlier. I see it in adults all the time. Those with negative attitudes create self-fulfilling prophesies for themselves. "Nobody likes me cuz I'm dumb and ugly." Well, yeah, if you walk around with an attitude like that, no one will want to hang out with you, but it won't be because of your intellect or your looks. It'll be because your attitude STINKS and no one wants to be around someone who is negative all time. Self-depracation can be amusing at times, when used jokingly. But when you've become so sure that you are a pariah and everyone is out to get you and no one really likes you, it's going to become that way. I used to be like that, depressive and unsure about anything except that no one would like me or want to even be my friend. However, I've learned to take a positive spin on things, I've become an optimist, and I enjoy life much more now. When I have a sucky week, oh well, everyone has bad days, I'm not being punished, no one is out to get me, tomorrow will be better. I wish everyone could look at life that way, but we're all so wrapped up in our own little bubble where we're the center, we forget to see the big picture.

Sorry, that was a rant, but it REALLY bugs me! But oh well, I'm gonna live my life differently and while I feel bad for those people who can't see things in a positive light, I'm not going to dwell on it and let it ruin my life. No, this post is not directed at anyone in particular, so don't be wracking your brains trying to figure out who I could be talking about. It's a general sentiment, but if you feel like it applies to you, think about it and maybe try an attitude adjustment. Mucho lovo!
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