Original Fiction
The Shamrock and The Samurai's Sword
Rated: MA/NC-17 for language, slash & sex.
Summary: Irish bloke Jamie is a student at NYU. What happens when he runs into the man he's crushing on while posing for a racy calendar? Humor. M/M.
Go to story Fan Fiction
This is a home away from home for my Twilight fan fiction.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Alley Cat ***new***
Rated: MA / NC-17 for language, slash & sex.
Summary: *FTLOW winner of Best Erotic Scene* After watching Alice put up with sexual harassment at work for far too long, Bella feels her lover needs some guidance dished out with a heavy hand. Femmeslash. BDSM/power exchange themes.
Go to Story Potential
Rated: MA / NC-17 for language, slash & sex.
Summary: Edward Cullen, journalist for the college paper, has despised jocks since high school. What happens when he’s assigned to interview Emmett McCarty, a decathlon athlete who challenges Edward’s every stereotype?
Ch 1 - Potential Ch 2 - Kinetic, pt. 1 Ch 3 - Kinetic, pt. 2 Ch 4 - Kinetic, pt. 3
Ch 5 - Fused, pt. 1
Ch 6 - Launch, pt. 1
Ch 7 - Launch, pt 2 Outtake 1 - Liberate (Peter pov)
One Way Ticket
Rated: MA / NC-17
Summary: Unrequited love, an unexpected letter and a one-way bus ticket. Original one-shot written for the FFn.net A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words Contest.
Ch 1 Angelus ex Abyssus
A Twilight fan fiction collaboration with the remarkable
Rated: M for violence
Summary: Salve Regina. She is his life, sweetness and hope. Angelus ex Abyssus. He is her death, solution and dream. Rosalie and Emmett open the door and flee.
Part 1 -- Rosalie Part 2 -- Emmett Believe This
Rated: M for language, adult concepts, sex
Summary: I wrapped my arm around Alice's waist and dragged her into my chest, curving myself around this slip of a girl turned woman who owned every piece of my heart. I would give anything to bring that light back to her eyes.
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