Mar 16, 2007 13:51
I almost think it should be illegal to make people work on nice days. I think that everytime the weather is amazing, offices should be forced to close or at least close early. The reason being that in a city, like San Francisco, the weather is so erratic that we never really know when we'll see good weather again, so we should be required to enjoy it as a matter of law. Who's with me?
Lunch was nice. I really love one of my co-workers. He's the only one I'm friends with here but, alas, he is leaving the firm. It's amazing how much a job can change in a short time and how important it is to work with people that you like, or at least people that you don't hate. lol...
Today I am feeling especially nonsensical and I kind of look like I have a comb-over with the way my bangs are parted. Every time I look in the mirror I think of Donald Trump, but a cute Donald Trump without all the billions of dollars. lol... Why don't I just repart it, you ask? Well, with curly hair (or my curly hair anyway) it's not quite that simple. My hair has dried in the shape it's in and I already tried to pull pieces and change them, but they just flopped over or else looked REALLY bad. The comb-over look isn't that bad on me, especially considering that I don't have a comb over, but still in the future I think I'm going to be more cautious about how I part my hair.
In protest of having to work on a nice day, I think I'm going to spend the next hour reading The Rule of Four instead of working. Strike! Strike! Strike! lol....