(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 15:10

RED - Emotions

1. Are you currently mad at someone? Nope, not at all

2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? I really don't think any of my friends have a really bad temper---at least I haven't seen it.

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yeah...I feel really bad about that...

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? Not really

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? I guess it depends---If I'm really mad, I yell...but that doesn't happen too often.

ORANGE - Excitement

1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you? Yes! :) I have wonderful friends!

2. Do you get psyched a lot? Usually, it takes very little for me to get excited

3. What event is coming up that you are excited for? My 21st! :)

4. Any regrets? yeah...

5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Save some of it and do things for my parents and grandparents

6. If you could have anything right now what would it be? Have dinner with all my family :)

YELLOW - Basics

1. Name: Emily

2. Where were you born? Huntsville, AL

3. Whats your main goal in life? To be able to help others

4. Do you want to have children? Yes, but not anytime soon

5. How do you want to die? Why think about this?

GREEN - Opinions

1. Sex before marriage? Don't really care, it's up to whoever is making that decision---but personally not for me.

2. Gay marriage? Not really sure about that

3. Lower the drinking age? I think it is ridiculous that people can fight for our country and vote for our leaders, but can't drink...

4. Death Penalty? Yes

5. Abortion? No---I am very pro-life except in extreme circumstances, and even then, I'm still pro-life. *Soapbox Moment* If you have been in a doctor's office and heard a fetal heartbeat, you KNOW it's a human being. I know people debate that it should be pro-choice if it endangers the life of the mother, but I personally would rather die than hurt my baby. Personal opinon only.

6. Recycling? I support it---hopefully our suite can start doing that some this year! :)

BLUE - Dreams

1. What was your latest dream? It was soooo strange---I was in Europe with several people from Samford...I can't remember too much else...but it was weird

2. Have any of your dreams come true? nope

3. Do you usually remember your dreams? Usually right when I wake up, but then I forget


1. Straight, Gay, Bi? straight

2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope

3. Do you have a crush? i'm not sure...

4. Who is the best hugger that you know? Probably Jason or Kendrix---I'm a big fan of those big bear hugs--to quote Katie, i'm not about all that side-to-side stuff

5. Have you ever been in love? not yet


Q: How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
A: Just 1

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Blue

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A: Shower

Q: What color are your walls?
A: White and boring

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: About 2 dollars

Q: Hockey?
A: Been to a few games---very fun!

Q: I can't wait 'til..?
A: school starts back!

Q: What did you have for dinner last night?
A: An Arby's Turkey wrap

Q: Look to your left. What's there?

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: Samford, Facebook, Livejournal, MySpace---I have a routine

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: Nope--not a big plant person, but I love flowers

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: Nope--feelin' good

Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in?
A: Never been in one

Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: No--I'm behind the times

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: I can't really remember---probably this past spring


1. Person you saw: Rene

2. Talked to: in person: youlanda on AIM: katie and lulu on the phone: youlanda

3. Time you shopped: Last Saturday---I tore up that Bath and Body Works Sale! :)

4. Movie watched: Gone with the Wind


1. What are you doing now: This...and killin' time until dinner

2. What are you doing tonight? Hopefully having an exciting night out :)


1. Is: Saturday--Sarah and Trey's Bdays, Carter and Kelly's wedding

2. Got any plans? Not really

3. Goal? To sleep in, clean the room and organize all the Dawson music

4. Dislikes: snakes
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