A thought...

Dec 13, 2004 22:32

It is said that, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Why do that? Is it not more satifying to just give them back and say "No thank you, I don't need any lemons today."


Pretend you are sitting in a park, humming, minding your own business. Now here comes Life "La dee da dee da dee da," and it drops this basket of lemons in your lap. As Life is walking off it yells back "HA! Now what are you going to do about that?!" You now have three choices. You can:
A: Follow the old saying and make lemonade
B: Become overwhelmed at the fact that you have recieved Life's Lemons, curl into the fetal position and visit a shrink.
Or what would seem, at very least, the most entertaining choice:
Grab the knife out of your pocket and cut one of the lemons in half. Take a big juicy bite out of one half (because lemons are awesome) and put the knofe back in your pocket. Now you chase down that mother fucker, spear it to the ground if you must, and pin it down. Then take the other half of the lemon you ate and squeeze it into that bastards eyes, while screaming "TAKE THAT YOU FUCKER! HOW DO YOU LIKE GETTING LEMONS,HUH? THIS WILL TEACH YOU JUST GIVE LEMONS TO WHOEVER YOU WANT! FEEL THE BURN YOU COCK BITE!"
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