Dec 08, 2008 13:49
-Flying out in January.
-(Maybe) staying a week on an Irish farm. If not this, then 24 hr layover in Dublin airport.
-Flying to Nice, France on or after Jan 20 to work on a goat farm in the maritime Alps, where I will learn to make cheese with a man named Bruno and will see cute little baby goats every single day.
-Leaving goat-farm in mid-March. Will fly from Nice to Dublin.
-Insert trip to Edinburgh to see the amazing Kate Amann here.
-From Edinburgh hopefully to Alicante, if Ryanair has the flights I need.
-From Alicante to Tobarra, Spain, and the amazing horse farm of amazingness and rainbows.
-Stay in Spain 90 days, until the visa police start getting that look in their eye...and then a flight from Murcia to...surprise, surprise, Dublin.
-Dublin to home sometime in mid-June.
-The Faire as soon as possible thereafter, probably to continue to work in the equine program but not until I'm finished agonizing over the decision.
The End.
(I'm so excited!)