(no subject)

Jan 06, 2010 17:15

As there has been no movement from either of the mods who countersigned the promise to hold a discussion by yesterday, and because I do not trust sharpiefan I set up stc_discussion and asked latin_cat if she would use it .  Those of you who have access to  showthecolours will have seen sharpie's response.

I have posted a response:

"The difficulty in the past has been that discussions have been terminated by the mods, as with sharpiefan's recent placing of the board on hiatus.

I (as stc_future) set up a discussion community where I promise not to terminate discussion, or to remove posting privileges from anyone who is a member of Show the Colours. I have created neutral ground, and I invited Latin to accept it."

I will be inviting all current and some previous members to join stc_discussion , if I know your lj.

If you are a member, and have not been invited by the end of today, please contact me, and I will ensure you have an invitation.  We can save the Board, but not if discussion is stifled.
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