I know some of you on my friends' List already know about
Kiva, a non-profit that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur across the globe - because that's how I heard about it. And a couple of months ago we decided to sign up, and chose two would-be borrowers... And yesterday we had our first repayments, which is filling me with joy, and the urge to lend it out again.
You choose who to lend to - whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq - or, as we did, a sheep farmer and a man who sells sewing machines in Tajikstan - and as they repay their loan, you get your money back. It’s a powerful and sustainable way to empower someone right now to lift themselves out of poverty. And it is works, and is fun...
Take a look...