Aug 06, 2004 01:41
fun times in kelly land. more anti-social reading time. i've finished all my library books and hungrily started in on james' library books. i'm reading the bush dyslexicon right now. i get lots of dirty looks from people for it. however, a pleasing thing..i have seen a few kerry bumper stickers. this may not sound that exciting, but for as long as i can remember the only bumper stickers i've seen around here were of the republican variety (or for ross perot). i think some of the democrats around here always have been, but perhaps were scared to say so.
i've been dreaming of moving. i can think of nothing else at times. i can't wait to visit minneapolis in october. actually i've been trying to convince james to bump it up to late september, cause i don't know if i can wait that long. it's a fourteen hour drive, which i know will be a bit strenous, but i'm just daydreaming about looking out the window and seeing actual scenery instead of the ugly flatland that is texas. i'm also looking forward to just breathing in. when we were in vancouver (which granted is probably a lot less polluted than minn) we were so amazed at the fact that we could breathe. james' allergies completely disappeared during our lil visit.
i suppose it's back to reading in my corner. you guys have fun.