blah to periods. i hate them.

Apr 10, 2004 19:06

so, yeah. i don't really have a whole lot of exciting stuff to say right now..i'm in that whole period zone where i am not interested in doing much except curling into the fetal position and thinking about having surgery to remove my ovaries. but i thought i would share this little bit from "flaming iguanas" which i am re-reading because it is such a fun little book.
"It's a different kind of love. It's not like domestic bliss love. something else is what it is / like wanting to hang out and laugh and you think they're so fucking great you can't believe it. It can be confusing because there's definitely a sexual undercurrent, but you don't want to live or go grocery shopping with them. You want to make things/talk about loud important things with them. and stomping down the street together, you feel like two warriors, laughing with grotesque abandon. and i think it's not a jealous love, because the more the merrier and the louder you laugh. sore throats in the morning say how much fun you had the night before. yeah, sort of like the sore-pussy thing."
i think this is the kind of female-friends i have always been drawn to. where you love each other so fiercely, and you feel like you rule the world when you are driving around in your car with them. i think the entertainment industry has taken some of the fun out of friendships. instead of sitting around for hours talking about things of substance you end up watching a movie and not really knowing them any better afterwards. i think this is why i have very few friends. i am just not all that interested in being someone to watch a movie with. i want to be someone you can tell anything, someone to talk to for 4 hours outside of starbucks and not even notice how long it's been till they start bringing in the furniture your sitting in and turning out the lights.
anyway, enough of that rant...
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