RE: Watchmen Movie

Mar 07, 2009 16:53

I've been looking forward to this movie ever since i heard about it. I read the graphic novel twice in anticipation and even dressed as Rorschach to the midnight premier. After seeing it i walked away generally satisfied. The movie went along with the graphic novel with incredible accuracy compared to most other comic book movies. They cut a lot of things but i just couldn't work up any anger over this. Nothing they cut was worth keeping in the long run. One thing i didn't like very much was the music. A couple of the songs fit but over all most of them pulled me out of the movie. Especially the one during the horrible sex scene. Honestly, that was simply an awkward and uncomfortable scene, and I'm not even going to get into their faces. One thing i did very much appreciate was that they didn't shy away from Dr. Manhattan's full frontal nudity. It is a small detail but it's one that was a big part of his character, as he is slipping away from humanity his lack of modesty is only a logical step. One thing that a lot of people are sure to wonder about is the changed ending. As some people know they changed the ending with the squid to one with another means of mass destruction. Personally i thought this was not only an acceptable change but one for the better! I had always thought they squid ending was the worst part of the graphic novel after all.

Lastly, i must mention Rorschach. He was by far the best part of the movie. The actor they chose was the perfect Rorschach, he had the perfect voice and looked as much like Walter Kovacs as you could ever hope. But most importantly, he was a complete bad ass! As Rorschach should be.
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