So I really wanted to post all this forever ago, but with all the drama I couldn't write things online. As it is, Tye's pretty much stalking me and my friends, so I didn't know if he'd have people checking my LJ for updates about what I was doing. See, about five days after Tye and I broke up, I started dating this guy I've been friends with for a while. Tye had narrowed it down to two of my guy friends and I didn't want to give hints to which it was. But via stalking, he found out. So now I can post. lol Anyhow, I know most of you don't remember, but after me and Willis broke up after the Mardi Gras fiasco a few years back, I wrote a list of things I was looking for. I stayed single for nine months and hooked up with Tye on a whim because I was bored and he was cute. But as anyone will tell you, pretty much fell into everything on the "HELL NO" list. But this guy? When I say fits my list perfect, omfg. He likes to do the same stuff I do, we can talk for hours and not run out of things to say, he's smart (yay!), his family is awesome, ect ect. He's a lot like me, only a bit more bubbly. lol Our moods even go together where we want to go out on the same nights and stay home on the same nights. And he did this one thing that I know is gonna sound dorky, but I think it's the sexiest thing any guy has ever done. We usually hang out with my friend Chris and so he grabbed Chris' jeans and goes "Express, right?" He can tell where clothes are from by the fabric guys. fhsdjfhsjkh As a total clothes whore, I damed near jumped him on the spot. He can put outfits together by himself, which I think is so hot. And he notices all these little small things about me like the way I tilt my head or the way I look at people to convey if I'm pissed or something. He can even read through my bullshit. For example, I failed this math test and called him saying "I freaking suck at math" bitching. So he goes "Kelly, you don't suck at anything. You just don't like it so you're not gonna put forth the effort to do well." Bah!! So I said "yeah, pretty much, but I don't say that 'cause then I sound lazy" "Yeah, well you can be." LOL True, but bah! My mother totally loves him. My friends all love him. We've been together almost two months now without one fight. Not one. If either of us does something, we both just go "hey, that's annoying" and the other stops. !!!! And for the first time EVER, my head and my heart actually agree on something. *spaz* We even have these really similar childhoods. And our moms bitch about the same shit, so if both moms get in a mood on the same day, we both end up with the same bitchrant to each other so it goes "OMG Mine said the same thing!! *pout*" Oh, and we both have the same spoiled kid pout when we want something. He pouted at me once and I said "Boy, I invented that pout. So not gonna work on me." And beacuse he's known me a while and he picks up on things, he's got my personality pretty figured out. Which is kinda scary, but nice. Unlike Tye who couldn't say one thing about me if he tried. I dunno. It's like we're on this whole different level than I've ever been on with a guy and I'm not sure if I should be totally freaked out or squeeing happy. But I've been going with the latter. lol Of course, Tye is totally pissed off because he was always scared I would hook up with him anyhow because of how well we got along as friends. We would go places and Tye would go off so we would sit and talk the whole night and totally forget Tye was there. If we would talk and Tye was there, Tye would always say "you two are just alike" which is true. We actually met while we were working at AE together and all our friends from over there are thrilled since he was apparently always talking about me anyhow. lol I keep hearing that everyone always thought we would be the cutest couple and so they're all so happy we got together. lol And there was another couple over there we were talking about and I said "they were so cute" and he goes "you know who's cuter?" so I go "who" and he goes "us" so I said "well, I think we're the cutest couple in the world, but I'm bias" *squee* Egotistical people make egotisitical couples. lol Anyhow, I have to clean some junk around my room, but I HAD to post because I'm so happy I can't even stand it. lol