(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 20:29

Tye's mom had a party for me and Erica today and I FINALLY took pictures. So.... (not dial-up friendly)

My dad, me, and my step-mom (Shannon)

Rock (Tye's brother) and his wife, Erica.

Me, Erica, Erica's sister Gabby, and Tye's mom opening presents.


I just think I look pretty when I look down. lol

Last one, promise.

Me and Erica.

Me and Erica being DUM. Yes, I got my tongue pierced. Yes, my mom hates it. ^^

Rock and Erica again.

Rock and Tye's dad.

Me and Gabby.

Me and Tye!

Me and Tye, in which he looks cracked out.

Me and Tye in which I am not paying attention.

Tye being DUM when I fell over laughing. Note, I did ask him to fix his hair for these pictures. And to dress nice. But, you know, boys.

Erica told me to lean, but I think I look stupid.


The first group picture, in which Tye leans over like he's a hunchback and I fuss...

So he does it more like an jackazz.

A cute one, finally! (ETA: Just noticed Rock had his tongue out. Asshole.)

Rock decides to be DUM now.

And another cute one.

The girls!

Me and Erica all close up.

Sitting where you can totally see up our skirts.

Me and Gabby.

Me pretending I'm a model. lol


I should SO be one of those girls on the used car magazines. lol Also, that's my car! It's wrecked, but it's still my baby. <3

Me humping Tye because he wouldn't stop messing with my speakers to take a picture.

Me being...me.

The usual "sexpot" stare I always do for pictures. Kinda fuzzy.

Me leaning out my car.

My stupid sizzle pose Gabby made me do.

Tye and Brownie.


Tye with some NASTY drink.

So Rock and Erica took a kissy picture, so I decided me and Tye needed one. We did this, like four times to get it right and I still hate them all. Next one shows you why.

So, tell me why this boy looks, like, 43487398473 times more into this than me? I didn't say make out, I said a cute kissy picture. If it weren't for the fact that I think it's FUNEEE how into it he looks, I wouldn't have posted them at all.

Kay, I'm done now. We should have proffesional pictures done sometime this lifetime. Especially since our one year anniversary is the 8th. <3 Miss you all!!!

ETA: That ring isn't my engagment ring. It's being sized right now. Just so you all don't think he bought me some thing for, like, $100. And yes, Tye needs to shave. But he is tehlazy.

ETA2: My hair looks crappy on second viewing. My straightener sucks, apparently.
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