lyss_monaghan!!! She is my new HERO!! One day, when I have lots of money, I'm making a shrine. *nods* But I got it yesterday and I'm done reading now, so a week late, I present, MY REVIEW!!:
First and foremost, thank you so much to JKR for finally writing a book that's Slytherin-centric. I swear this book was more about Voldemort, Snape, and Draco than Harry. This makes me SOSOHAPPY. Draco had a story line! I almost died. He's a real character now! And not to be the "hahaiwasright" person, but I always said Draco was smart. How many OWLs did he get? And in DADA! Plus Occulmency, which I spelled wrong. And finally one of Draco's Really Cunning Plan's not only worked, but was pure genius. Guys, even Dumbledore didn't figure it out. Or at least the closet bit. And Harry couldn't stop him. HA! And the bit where he left Harry on the train? Priceless. Almost payback for the last five books of Harry's horrid things to Draco. And he cried omg. See, he so does have emotions! For a long time in there I seriously thought he was going to die, in which case I would have still been in too much shock to be writing this post. However, seeing as Draco (as suspected) is no killer, I have a feeling he won't last long in Book 7. And on that topic, Narcissa! I squeed my little head off through all of chapter two. Narcissa IS a good mother, and Bellatrix isn't totally demented. HA! Plus Snape, who will be more fully covered in a second, took an Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco. So sweeet!
I have no idea where I stand on Snape, which isn't much different than before this book. I don't base my like of a character on "are they evil?!" but Sirius is still one of my favorites, and Snape was such an ass to him. x.x Not sure I can forgive on that one, even though Sirius did kinda deserve it. I did manage to forgive Bellatrix for doing off my Sirius, so I more than forgive Snape for the Dumbledore thing since Dumbledore was never one of my favorites. But he turned out not to be evil, which still somehow surprises me. But if I like Snape or not doesn't matter, because his story is by far the most interesting. And him being the HBP? Padfoot had said her sister said that when the title came out and she was right. I would have never guessed. x.x For a while I was convinced it was Lily for whatever insane reason I would think that.
The Voldemort backstory? LOVE. And I'm sure this isn't where JKR was going with this (but when do I ever agree with her?), but I really do understand why he would kill his dad. On another note, if an 11 year old is torturing animals and people? Can you say serial killer profiling? Come on now, Dumbledore. You had to see all that coming just a little bit. Was there really nothing he could have done? Was there not wizard therapy? But I guess then there wouldn't be a book. So yeah.
So, Slughorn is next, I guess. He's not a favorite, but thanks again to JKR for finally making a Slytherin character that isn't TEHEVIL. As I told Michelle, "all he wanted was free candy. I'd do the same thing." I do feel really bad that he's got the weight of "it's my fault Voldemort's immortal" on his head. No wonder he was in hiding. But Potions?! You don't let previous(???) Death Eaters teach DADA. Come on, now. Oh, and I love that it's Voldemort's fault no one lasts longer than a year with that job.
Harry really didn't grate my nerves in this book, which surprised me. He finally stopped being a total asshat, thank goodness. Only one issue of CAPSLOCK. Harry's growing up, yay! As are Ron and Hermione. Ron didn't manage to annoy me either. Hermione let off the "I am SO smart" thing a little, which is nice. (Although, according to half of online, so OCC and I'm not even getting into how DUM that comment is)
The ships amuse me, not because I care about them, but because the explosion of the fandom over ships is probably the funniest thing ever. Guys, the books aren't about who ends up together. There's a much bigger plot than that. That being said, H/D is now more canon than H/Hr. HAHAHA. Harry was so obssesed with Draco. I kept giggling every time just thinking of the surge of new stories that will come out over that. The only canon ship I like is Draco/Pansy, and they reminded me of me and my boyfriend, which is kinda scary. Oh, random hope for book 7 that won't happen: MORE PANSY, PLZ! Tonks/Lupin, by the way? WTF?! Where did that come from? Miss Independant suddenly a mess over Lupin? O.o You got me there, JKR. I'll never understand that one.
On Dumbledore dying, all I can say is that I'm not really surprised. It had to happen. Like JKR said in the interview, the main thing in books like this is that the hero has to go on alone. So I always knew it would happen, it was just more a matter of how. The thing that got me was Fawkes's song. So sad.
So now Harry has to find Horcruxes (is that the right plural?) on his own. HAHA. That should be interesting. Good thig he's got Hermione. Though when it comes down to it, he'll have to do it alone. Need book 7 NOW. I love the idea of Horcruxes, though. Kinda LotR-y, but not in a blatant way (like the dead people in the water. SO Dead Marshes.)
R.A.B.? Michelle and a lot of people have said Sirius' brother, and I'm liking that theory. Even though I'm sure if everyone guessed it that fast, it's probably wrong. And why did Hermione not think of that? Black is a last name that starts with B. O.o And I'm sure there are more than two. Plus it could be a nickname or a changed name or something like that.
No more Hogwarts makes me really sad. I don't know what else to say but that.
I'm sure I've forgotten something, but I'll probably post again
lyss_monaghan!!!!! I owe you my life, seriously. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't get to read it. I might have died. lol If there is anything I can ever do for you, all you have to do is ask. <33333