I wrote 2 stories for Yuletide this year - my assignment and one treat, which is one more than last year. Hope the trend continues!
Both stories are for the fandom 'For the Love of Cars', which I got into as a result of reading my recipient's letter (we'd actually matched on 'Top Gear (UK)!) Thank you,
lamardeuse! It's a reality programme presented by Philip Glenister of 'Life On Mars' fame, and Ant Anstead, who as the blurb on the programme says is 'an internationally renowned car designer' and very easy on the eyes! The two of them are hilarious together, and pretty much slash themselves.
http://s697.photobucket.com/user/rosied_2009/media/cars-c4.jpg.html http://s697.photobucket.com/user/rosied_2009/media/tumblr_nn4uwsy1SL1sengfdo7_1280.png.html?sort=3&o=9 http://s697.photobucket.com/user/rosied_2009/media/tumblr_nn4uwsy1SL1sengfdo3_1280.png.html?sort=3&o=11 (tried to embed these but can't get it to work. Trust me, they're worth the click!)
Anyway, the stories (posting links because I can't get the sodding AO3 bookmarks to work today either):
How It all Began (Philip Glenister/Ant Anstead)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5329493 Exceedingly Good (Philip Glenister/Ant Anstead)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5469827 I also wrote a WW2 AU for the TGS Secret Santa
Fortunes Of War (James May/Richard Hammomd)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5603632 and a Sector General story for someone from my flist who was unable to take part in Yuletide this year. The Sector General series is an SF series set in a galactic hospital. I love the series except for one plot point: the fact that females can't take Educator tapes because they're 'too fastidious' (they give you knowledge of other-species medicine at the cost of sharing your mind with the personality of the alien doctor who donated the tape - it's explained better in the books!). Very annoying, and needed to be fixed!