It is one of my greatest regrets that I took a hiatus from cartooning during a time when I took up residencies in both Texas and Louisiana. I lived in a perpetual state of ohmygod ohmygod this would make the best comic!!! for two whole summers, and now all of it has been run through my sieve of a memory and lost forever. I've got a couple wisps of stories left, though.
It's been awhile since I posted a cookie recipe, huh? Let me make up for lost time with a completely overambitious and ill-advised recipe, then.
I walked out of the grocery store last week, arms laden with cheap organic broccoli, only to be accosted by a chipper bunch of Girl Scouts at the door. "Last day to buy Girl Scout cookies!" the child sirens chirped at me.
I resisted, resting on my organic broccoli laurels. And then later that night, I couldn't fall asleep. How could I have been so stupid? An entire year until the next time I could lie on the couch and stuff an entire box of Samoas* into my mouth, eyes goggling at the ceiling in diabetic bliss?
I now know that those cutthroat Girl Scouts were lying to me, but the damage had been done. I had to make these:
Homemade Samoas Making these stupid cookies took up my entire Sunday afternoon, from the time I woke up (on Sunday afternoon), until it was dark outside. Almost makes four bucks a box sound like a pretty good deal, really. On the other hand, man. I fucking love Samoas, you know? These cookies, they do not disappoint.
*Samoas are clearly the best Girl Scout cookies, and if you disagree with me, know that you are wrong.