Dec 29, 2005 23:06
Well, we used the money from Troy's mum and dad to buy ourselves a new dv camcorder today. It's perrrty. And TINY. So now I feel all tech-ed out... I've got all these little bitty things that have buttons and manuals that are thicker than The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and I have no idea how to use them yet. *le sigh*
Spent the day yakking with my ma-in-law, who seriously is the coolest mother in law EVER. I adore her. :)
Then we hit up Polo Park (where LUSH is open, my friends!!) and I said a quick hello to Kristy before going to shop around a bit for other stuff. A quick warning to those who are familiar with LUSH prices-- the 'Peg store seems to be a lot more expensive than I remember... but then again, I haven't been to a LUSH for about 4 years.... I digress.
Then Joan and I went to Walmart sans Troy and spent quality time shopping as us girls are wont to do. Good times. I wish we could see each other more often. Anyways, she leaves tomorrow at 4 ish. :(