Graduation photos

Sep 12, 2005 19:56

First lot of photos from my crazy crazy weekend - pics from Grandma's 80th coming soon!

Trying to keep my hat on straight!

With Julie, my fave ever teacher!

With Grandma

Kerry and her mum

Shaking hands with the dean

All the family apart from Ian who took the photo!

With Karen, Jane and Julie

Julie and Jane

Julie, Karen, Jane, me and Kerry

Graduation all went off without a hitch - I didn't lose my hat or fall over on stage. It all got a bit x-factor at one point as there were people from the music school doing pop songs - was funny watching all the big-wigs on stage trying to look appreciative. I am still convinced the graduating outfit is the most unflattering ever designed. I have never seen anyone looking good in one yet.

It was dead nice seeing everyone and I realised how much I'm going to miss them all. Me and Kerry are going to see Ian Brown in november... will have to arrange other meet-ups too. I wish I still had Julie's weekly pep talks!

photos, teaching

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