the historic third term

May 06, 2005 11:35

I am well tired - sat up till 2 to see the Edbaston result - Gisela got back in on a smaller majority. Was relieved to see that labour mainly held the midlands in a similar pattern. (Here in Edgbaston the threat would be tory from the "affluent working class" in Quinton and the loaded people in harborne rather than liberal and I think this is pretty similar cross midlands). In doing some research on Gisela I managed to find out that she was pro-war, pro-id cards, but also pro-gay marriage, pro-hunting ban, and pro-europe. Pretty much a typical example of one of the Blair babes who swept through in 1997. I was also pleased to see she lists her priorities as including pressuring for women's pensions to be made fair.

Interestingly, I also found out that Edbaston is uniques as a constituency in having had a woman MP since the 1950s.

Blair is doing his speech at the moment. his kids look dead old, makes me feel ancient. I don't think any of the labour lot came off very well in the footage I saw last night, with the exception of Gordon Brown. David Blunkett was particularly obnoxious and arrogant when Jeremy Paxman linked up to him.

So... let's hope Gordon Brown gets the swap we have been waiting for soon!
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