I went away but I forgot to tell you in the mad panic rush. Went to my brothers over Christmas and we ended up staying longer than we planned so I just got back last night.
First things first, I returned to the most lovely thing in my inbox.
schmoo999 bought me paid user time AND extra pics! SQUEEEEEE! THANK YOU! Nobody's ever bought me paid user time or extra pics before! I didn't get anyone anything and I totally wasn't expecting anybody to get anything for me, I feel so loved. I am SO going to go nuts with all the icons I've downloaded and not been able to use now YAAAAAAAAAY! Love you darling, thank you so much ♥
Christmas was good. I was dreading being stuck at my brothers for the whole time with his uptight girlfriend and an extremely wired Sam, but it all went well. Sam was very well behaved, thank god.
I got the most amazing Christmas presents, which I wasn't expecting at all. Ken never buys me anything and I've got used to it - he's just not a present type of person, but this year I really wanted a surprise that I didn't buy and wrap myself, so I gave him a list of stuff that I wanted with the prices and shops that he could get them from and gave him some cash (he doesn't have his own money, I just give him pocket money) and told him to just pick something. After the shopping trip, the only bag I could see was some screen wash for the car so I wasn't overly optimistic, BUT...
He got me... Sky plus! Which I've really really wanted for ages because I never get to watch anything I want to watch and we don't have a video that works.
AND he got me two computer games off my list, both Sims expansion packs
But BEST OF ALL he got me GHD straighteners. Now you maybe don't know what these are or don't see why I should be so excited about them, but GHD's are like the MOTHER of all hair straighteners and my hair is frizzy as hell. I get through straighteners like nothing on earth because most of them don't work on my hair and I've always wanted some GHDs but they're so expensive I never would have bought them for myself. I look at straighteners in shops the way other girls look at shoes. He said he's been saving leftover cash from the drinking money I give him for about six months. He was worried that I'd be upset because I could have had an Ipod Nano for the same money but how could he think I'd be upset about such a lovely, thoughtful gift? I am SO spoilt. I've never had presents like this before, not since I was little anyway and he's worked so hard to give me such lovely surprises, I'm chuffed to bits. He says I deserve it because I've had a tough year *wipes away tear* Of course, money and presents don't mean anything but I feel so loved and spoilt right now and I LIKE IT GODDAMN IT!
He also got me a rude present which I won't say anything about except CHRIST ON A STICK IT'S GOOD.
And he got me a pastry brush. He doesn't know why he bought it. Neither do I. Bless him.
I also got Sharon Osbourne's autobiography from my mom (and I'm getting my hair done after Christmas) and my brother bought me a new computer game which looks good and tons of bits and bobs including a little book which he says is to carry with me to write down inspirations when the muse strikes.
Sam liked all his presents, especially the domino set we got him (he likes to line things up), though the thrill of the remote control monster truck is fading fast. The thing he's played with most is a pack of plastic soldiers I got him from the pound shop. Go figure.
So YAY Christmas was good. Presents are good. GHD straighteners are LOVE.
In non-Christmas related news, I shall be playing my games, working on my monster fic and catching up on the fics at
harry_holidays, which everyone should read because there's some amazing stuff on there. I want MIIIIINE! *bounces*
Hope you all had a good time, I'll try and catch up with you over the next few days.