Title: The old watch
Fandom: Real person
Pairing: Jamie Bamber / Ioan Gruffudd
Word Count: 187 (W)
It had nothing wrong, nor it was somehow inappropriate for something, or inapt. It was merely broken. And, a broken watch was a real tragedy. Obviously, not for me; for me it simply was just a common watch… well, a broken one. But, not for Ioan. For him, it was really a tragedy. It got broken and certainly none would have been able to fix it. Certainly, there would be no jeweller nor watchmaker in a 50-mile range from home capable of fixing that poor ol’ automatic Omega. And, if he was lucky enough to find one, certainly they would have handed it back with some part missing or, worst, the glass chipped. Okay, sure, it was an old gift his grandpa did to his father on his graduation’s day. But I really didn’t understand why in the hell I had to be waken up at 6 in the morning, I said 6 in the morning, running the risk to wake Kerry up (who was lying beside me) and, most importantly, my three toddlers to listen to all his frustrations regarding a fucking watch. A broken one.