May 24, 2009 13:26

Holy hotdog Japonawa was SOOO HECTIC!!

me at my poor excuse of a booth
I have major rage about this but I decided not to rant about it

me and my Assistant  <3 aah she has such a nice skin color- im sooo white!

It wasnt horrible but suuuuper hectic- over 10,000 ppl!!!
As a vendor, I didnt get an opportunity to enjoy the event because I was working but oh well...
Seriously I had my picture taken every 5 minutes the ENTIRE day. I couldnt even WALK anywhere *~* cuz 1, there was too many ppl and 2 i was stopped every three steps i took cuz someone wanted a picture.
I did make SOME monies- not as much as I wanted cuz in the end
I couldnt sell the sweets I had prepared cuz of the heat!
Yup, so total profits were only $500 -.- the rest would have come from the sweeets *cries*
its ok, tho- I only spent about $70 total for the craft supplies and maybe $20 for the sweets.
So I didnt lose much monies. AND i already have my plane tickets and my passport for my
Mexico vacation so this is just spending monies =D
AND I sold out of almost EVERYTHING. I came with 100 rings and I had 4 left over.
I sold out of the japanese fashion magazines almost INSTANTLY.
The raffle prize was taking a lot of space from my booth so I only let ppl buy tickets for about 4 hours.
I didnt sell too many of those- but its ok- it was just junk i wanted to get rid of anyway =D
The girl who won had almost pissed her pants with joy hahah.

The show turned out pretty darn good. heres a video!

image Click to view

I wore Cherry Berry! I'll make a vlog about this sometime this week.

I really wish I woulda had a better opportunity to chat with the TJ girls but it seems that many of them felt awkward talking to me because of my bad spanish hahah. I guess I should try harder next time and speak spanish ONLY cuz I didnt get a chance to meet n greet hardly
ANY of them- and I dont even know most of their names!
 They refer to eachother with their like...screen names (internet nick names) so i have NO idea who is who Ugghh its so rude not to recognize someone in person with whom you speak with regularly online IMO
so im really upset at myself about that. Tons of girls hovered around me and I didnt even know who they were =( IM SO SORRY GIRLS! I FEEL TERRIBLE

After I packed my stuff I went to see my friend Dani and her band Miraaji. They play existing songs from Jrock bands, videogames and anime. =D THEY ARE SOOO COOL!!!! I asked them to learn a song from maximum the hormone hehehehe.

After their performance we headed to their pad and chillaxed for like 4 hours.
Didnt seem like that long, honestly.
I felt so at home with them even tho i dont know them that well.
They are such nice people- and we have the same interests so the atmosphere was really nice.
Ahh, they are all so sweet and I missed them terribly as soon as I left.

Last but not least. HOLY CRAP- METAL GEAR!



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