More School Fun Ness?

Jan 31, 2006 11:51

ugh i missed class this morning cuz all night long i was sneezing and sneezing and then my nose started bleeding from sneezing so hard. So I didnt fall asleep until like 6:30 x.x and my class is at 8 so I just stayed sleeping. My mom says shes gonna take me to the doctor and see what we can do about my allergies cuz I've been living like this for a long time now and a lot of times I'll lose sleep because of my damn sneezing. Especially around night and morning hours. Ive tried keeping things dust free but its hard- and ive tried using alergenic products like that fabreeze thing that supposedly gets rid of the shit that makes me sneeze and it kinda worked for a while but then i dunno if someone used it all up or if it got lost =(.
Anyway- my mouth hurts a lot too cuz my wisdom teeth are all out now and theyre crowding my jaw and when i bite down it really hurts so Ive been chewing my food on one side of my mouth haha. It looks like I'm a little hampster with all the food in one cheek.
Yeah so hopefully I'll get all this taken care of so i can go about being normal. Well not really cuz i also have really bad back problems and Ive never gone to see a doctor about that either =(. Theres so many things wrong with me! I wish I couldve been born strong and healthy but instead i was born small and week =(.
I was thinking that since its required for us to have one hour of lab time for my japanese class- I should just go right after one of my classes so that it wont be too crowded and i wont have to go on the weekend cuz that wasnt fun. My chum ended up not going last week. We had agreed that wed go together but he had to decide what time cuz he had work and all and supposedly he would call me to let me know what time but he never called. Yeah so I waited for him allllll day friday and on saturday i ended up going with my son Abe around 10 in the morn.
Reminds me of all my supposed friends who told me that they would take me out places or accompany me on trips when i was in joco- and i cant tell ya how many times these so called friends stood me up =(. And then when i started to hang out with all those highschool kids people questioned me- like, "why are you hanging out with those brats?" and stuff. I just simply reply, "cuz they aint like you, ese- these kids are my real friends."

Speaking of which. I've been thinking a lot about those kids in Joco. About Henri and his crew members. I really liked Henri- he was cool and had a good sense of humor. Plus he had the most hilarious laugh in the world! If I dont get enough moneys to go to Japan with Jonathan this summer Im gonna go to Jocotepec with me mum and then I'll get to see henri...I kinda wanna go to Joco more than Japan, which is really weird cuz Ive been wanting to go to Japan since forever...but I dunno I kinda dont wanna go with Jonathan. Id rather go with someone that Ive known longer. I dunno. I might have to think about it- but one things for sure i really have to start working so i can get moneys!! I doubt I'll get enough for Japan either way but at least If i dont end up going I'll use that money to get my Integra!

In other news- Im learning lots of stuff in japanese class
We had a quiz yesterday and everyone expected me to get a perfect a
I thought so too but i missed one!! Or more even
Anyway, we have another quiz next class and then again after that....and then!
FIELD TRIP TO MITSUWA!! and some other place I aint never heard of...i think it might be some sort of restaurant.
Yesterday that DDR dork pissed me off- I was talking to old king cole about my trip to E3 and how I got a cool terry hat and it got stolen and the stupid ddr dork made fun of him. And when i confronted him about it he didnt even look me in the eye and hes like "i make fun of him cuz i think Kyo is better". Little bitch. "Terry will wipe the floor with your ass" I said but he kinda wasnt listening. How dare he make fun of Terry. If I ever challenged him I bet hed lose miserabley.

I dunno what that kids beef is. When i played DDR everyone was cool with me except him. He was like an angry dog when a cayote steps all over its turf- it growls and growls but when you go up to em he just runs home with his tail between his legs. Maybe he sees me as a threat lol thatd be funny.


Oh yes- did I mention that I won something off e-bay? Myeaas! I won this cool DDR Pocket- Hello Kitty Version! I kinda wanted the Beatmania pocket more but since that hello kitty one ended earlier I bid on it and won. I woulda had enough for both of them but i messed up on beatmania and ended up gettin outbid. =(

My mom applied to this place nextdoor to the retirement center we used to work at. Its called Brookdale. Anyway, after I left that one place I was working at- I thought Id go and work at Brookdale but then me mum said she was gonna go apply for dining room supervisor cuz they would pay her well there. So i didnt apply cuz duh- family members cant work in the same department. Lame, yeah but anyway. I guess Im just gonna end up going to Silvergate.

Ahhh Valentines day is coming up. I never really celebrate valentines day. Its like every year it just passes by so fast and Erik and I dont do anything special. Im always excited when it comes around cuz I love making little cards for everyone- and letting all my friends know how much they mean to me...but then I end up doing nothing. And sadly- i end up giving nothing too cuz i dont have friends to make cards for anyway =(.

Maybe this year I'll make some for my chums in jap class or for the gang. Thatd be cool. I think I'll do that ^__^. Erik and I are trying to plan out something nice to do this year cuz we agreed that we should actually do something for once. I asked my son Abraham if he and Jennifer wanted to join us. He was super stoked about the idea but when he went to ask Jennifer, she was kinda iffy about the whole thing. And why wouldnt she? Shes got a boyfriend after all. ^__^U.

I wonder how abe feels at the fact that Jennifer has a boyfriend. I mean, Im sure Jennifer talks about him only when he does something wrong- it would be too weird for abe if she went around boasting about how cool he is. And in a way thats bad cuz if she only tells him when bad stuff happens- then abe is gonna think that hes a total jerk, and that might now be true. Anyway- i dont want Abe to get the wrong idea and think its ok for him to make a move on her if she doesnt really want to have anything with him.
Im sure Abraham thinks about her all the time. I mean, theres been a few times where Abraham kinda looks down and smiles and then he gets kinda jittery. Yeah I bet thats when hes thinking about her and he just wants to scream it out to the world- but he hesitates. Heh, i can always tell when hes about to talk to me about her. His eyes twinkle. Next time i see him like that Im just gonna go out and say "what do you have to tell me today?" lol or "you thinking about Jennifer I see...what happened?" I bet hed totally freak lol. Oh, some people are so easy to read, and its always fun to freak em out.

Speaking of that little "mocoso" as Eriks mom calls him...he usually comes around this time to bug the crap outta us...and he hasnt so much as called. Hmm...i dont think he has class all day...unless he does- or maybe hes with the mrs. Im suprised he hasnt stopped by to play beatmania with us. Hehehe.

In other news- maritza moves out this weekend. Yesterday we went to wally world to pick out stuff that would look nice in her apartment. Shes gonna have everything color coated er sometihng. And she gets pink, obviously. Im glad that she'll be able to take some of the stuff we dont need or use around here. YAY! Theres finally gonna be enough space to put my stuff out somewheres! OOOOH Im gonna move the bookshelf in here - unless she takes it. Theres gonna be a WHOLE lot of room when she takes her stuff out yay! Maybe I can get a bed.

Ok I thinks thats enough ramblings for now...or is it?? I dont think theres much else to discuss.
OH YEA! Next month on the 27th its my birthday! Im gonna be 20....ugh....NOOOO!! IM SO OLD! Whatever I still look like im 17 hahhhaha. I wonder what coolio things im gonna get. OOOH i hope someone buys me the dino hoodie! Ive been wanting that thing since last year in November and I still havent gotten it. =(
I hope someone buys me chocolate cake!! OOH!! And loads of yellow and pink roses!! ^__^ <3

k thats all for now
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