* Because the companies have alrady sold the fuel to the franchises (the place where you buy the fuel from). They've already made their money.
* Same with the government, they get about a third of the profits from the fuel being sold to the franchises.
* The franchises will only suffer from this. My folks owned a service station for 20 years (3 years in Sydney- 17 years in Port), they were franchises. Franchises only get to keep 2 cents out of every $1 of fuel sold. [It was 5 cents before the GST was introduced in 2001, which is when the price hike 'began'.] So really, you're putting the poor suffering enough (trust me, it's a tough buisiness) franchises out of business, which isn't fair at all, and the big executives of the companies will not give a stuff.
* And it's not like that anything will be achieved by this anyway. All it will do is make prices increase so the companies can 'recover' from the large decrease of sales.
I'm not getting angry or criticising you because I know you didn't understand how the fuel companies really work. I admit, I thought it was a wonderful idea when I got the first of approximately 10 of these emails I recieved, but after showing my parents who, like I said, owned a service station for a long time, I found it was the complete opposite.
Support the local people and fill up your car. It's out of anybody's hands (well an average member of the public, anyway) to change this increase of fuel. And trust me, the Frnachises hate it us much as you all do, my folks got abused people no less than 10 times a day, demanding lower fuel prices.
meah i only posted it cause me sister in law told me to and i was bored! i fill my own car up and would die if i didnt so i m not exactly going to quit it am i!? lol yer i ll add you!!
* Because the companies have alrady sold the fuel to the franchises (the place where you buy the fuel from). They've already made their money.
* Same with the government, they get about a third of the profits from the fuel being sold to the franchises.
* The franchises will only suffer from this. My folks owned a service station for 20 years (3 years in Sydney- 17 years in Port), they were franchises. Franchises only get to keep 2 cents out of every $1 of fuel sold.
[It was 5 cents before the GST was introduced in 2001, which is when the price hike 'began'.]
So really, you're putting the poor suffering enough (trust me, it's a tough buisiness) franchises out of business, which isn't fair at all, and the big executives of the companies will not give a stuff.
* And it's not like that anything will be achieved by this anyway. All it will do is make prices increase so the companies can 'recover' from the large decrease of sales.
I'm not getting angry or criticising you because I know you didn't understand how the fuel companies really work. I admit, I thought it was a wonderful idea when I got the first of approximately 10 of these emails I recieved, but after showing my parents who, like I said, owned a service station for a long time, I found it was the complete opposite.
Support the local people and fill up your car. It's out of anybody's hands (well an average member of the public, anyway) to change this increase of fuel. And trust me, the Frnachises hate it us much as you all do, my folks got abused people no less than 10 times a day, demanding lower fuel prices.
Add me back y0!
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