Hello Hello! :D Today is Boxing Day in Canada ^.^ It’s going to be craaaazy!
Anyway, here’s a Russo chapter! :)
I think we can all agree that Josh is THE CUTEST RUSSO EVER! <3
It may be the first time that I’m obsessed with my own Sim xD
Trini: *puts hand in tummy*
My family is so glitched up.
Lyle: *in imaginary world*
Josh: Me diaper is heavy…
Jacqueline: Alors… l’apprentissage de la propreté est urgent! [So… Potty Training is urgent!!]
Josh: Very urgent ;D
Jacqueline :*continues to teach Josh*
Moody: *barks for no reason at Rory*
But Rory plays so well the piano! *cough*
But then, Lyle and Seth did a super sad face while Trini had the blank face while hihi-ing…
Moody: *continues to bark*
Grim Reaper: Heey! I’m back!
Jacqueline: Je sens que quelque chose de mauvais se passe derrière moi ... [I feel that something bad is happening behind me…]
Grim Reaper: Moody, it’s your time to go! Join me!
Seth: This is just so sad!
Lyle: I thought it was Hugh!
Trini: *slow reaction to Moody’s death*
Bye bye Creepy Moody
Trini: MOODY! I’m sorry to find you weird when you were checking Lyle and me during woohoo time.
Jacqueline: Mais qu’est-ce qu’il y a? [ What’s happening?]
Seth: HIYA!
Lyle: This is so disturbing.
Trini: DAD. You’re so disgusting.
Seth: Time for slapping Lyle’s butt!
Lyle: I don’t mind it anymore! :)
Poor Trini, living with two weirdos.
Lyle: That was fun :)
eww. >.>
Jacqueline: Oh mon Dieu! Moody est mort! [Oh my God! Moody is dead!]
Jacqueline: J’ai enfin trouvé le problème. [ I have finally found the problem.] Je suis trop smart et cool.
Jacqueline: NOON MOODY!
A bit late, don’t you think?
Sorry for the lamp thingy :/
I called it the creepy crying face x)
I kicked out Lyle, and Una moved in! Why?
To paint the heirs and spouses!
Vampire skills ;)
Rory: What is that awful smell?
Josh: My poo ^.^ But I is proud =D
Rory doesn’t know how to hold a poo bag. A great fact.
Just to take a stupid call from Creepy Guadalupe.
Hugh: Triangles are not circles!
The only toddler book in the house XD
Josh: Ohh but can circles be triangles?
Hugh: Yes, triangles are not circles, but circles can be triangles ^.^
What o.O
Josh: Interesting…
Trini: Dad I’m pregnant!
Seth: Congrats! Who’s the father? o.o
Trini: Lyle!
Seth: Ohh good choice ;) His butt is pretty fine.
Trini: DAD.
Trini: Pillooooow fight! Hihi!
Seth: Oh it’s revenge time!
Trini: HAHA Dad, your face is EPIIIC! HIHIHIHI!
Seth: *hits Trini with closed eyes*
UNA, WHAT IS THIS PAINTING? -scrap painting-
Rory’s eyes are kinda creepy……
-scrap painting-
Trini: *unexpected face*
Trini: Dad, that was not cool.
That is what I called unexpected.
Trini: Dad, bring me to the hospital!
Seth: Not my problem. Ciao. I’m outta here!
It’s a girl! It’s like Rory/Trini. But this generation, it’s Josh/Athena!
Athena: *wink wink*
Athena *waiting on the floor*
I skipped the birthday cake and everything ;P
Do we see a mini Cathy? ;D
I love her hat! <3 Hihi! ;P
Her traits are Evil (the second baby Russo with evil trait - first: Simon Russo, brother of Jonathan, heir of gen2) and Eccentric!
Her likes are Hip Hop, Spice brown, egg rolls!
Her trait is Pisces!
Trini: I feel so …. empty…?
Josh: Hewwo! :3 You is the new baby! I is Josh and I loves wed block!
Athena: Hi Wosh! I loves wue block! I no knows my name. HAHAHAH *laughs*
Josh: Do you know dat triangles are not circles, but circles can be triangles?
Athena: What is triangle and circle? HAHAHAHAH *laughs*
Seth: Time for slapping Una’s butt!
Seth is sure addicted to slap people’s butt >.<
Athena: Wheee!
Trini: *blank face*
Athena: Oooh! Dis so fun!
I love how she doesn’t seem to hold the thing of the stroller XD
I just realized that I posted this picture to Facebook and that you can guess Trini’s baby gender. o.o
Trini has this weird face when she looks at Athena. hihi!
Athena: Momma, stop wooking at me like dat!
Yep, teaching how to walk in front of an unknown sim’s house XD
Una was so bad at painting portraits, so, luckily, she mastered the photography skill.
I found the picture so cute! <3
Picture with spouses! ;D
Since Una was useless, she moved out!
And welcome back Cathy!
Cathy: Oh, just my luck >.>
Jacqueline continues to cry about Moody.
Jacqueline: MOOOODY!
I missed Cathy’s future outfit! ;P
Josh: Who’s dis crazy woman?
Trini got addicted to the stroller, she even uses it in the backyard >.<
And Rory enjoys eating Josh’s head.
Oh, the heirs!
Rory: I’M THE COOLEST MOM TOO! *cough* I mean coolest Dad.
Josh: You is so cool Dad! Do you know dat triangles are no circles, but circles are triangles?
Everyone seems to have an addiction x)
Athena: ME WUVS PONY! Pony is scary!
Especially the eyes….
Trini: Fun time is over!
Athena: Fun time is never over! Me plays with wue block!
Rory: Tick tock tick tock! Fun time is over!
Josh: *rage face*
Josh: Forget dat I said dat you are cool! YOU IS THE LAMEST DAD EVER.
Rory: What did you say? YOU’RE THE LAMEST KID EVER. *creepy face* By the way, circles cannot be triangles!
I’m pretty sure that this generation has the creepiest faces and Sims ever.
Josh: NONSENSE! How dare you mock circles and triangles?!
Josh: Me hates love!
That is nonsense!
Fun Fact: Josh and Athena’s great grand-father isn’t Hugh. It’s Burberry, from the Greenway legacy :D
Hugh: Young child! Love is the most important thing in the world! You seem to be like my child, Nicolas! He was such a disappointment!
Josh: I love dancing! PARTY!
Hugh: Me too! You are nothing like Nicolas! I truly respect you, Joshua. Sorry for my rude comment!
Hugh: Now let me teach you how to walk! Later on, I can teach one of my precious dance moves!
Trini: *tells story about garbage*
Athena: Oooh interesting!
Athena: Yanno wut, wue block is way better than garbage!
See? So cute! <3
Hugh: This is so exhausting!
Run Hugh! Run!
But why is he running?
Ice cream >.<
What a glitch! but loook at Hugh’s face XD
But it’s thanks to the glitch that Hugh got the ice cream… It was so weird, I laughed at Hugh because the ice cream car was so far away that he will never have one.
Hugh: Now, who’s laughin’?
The ice cream does look yummy….
Athena eating Ken’s head. It’s like some sort of tradition for every toddler XD
Athena: Oh really? Do you know how to use it?
Josh: Yes, I eat its head!
Josh: Like dis!
Athena: Me too. But the meanest way to hurt Ken is by taking off its head. HAHAHAHAH. *evil laugh*
Sometimes I forget that Athena has the evil trait…
Athena: But you’ll never know how to do it. LOSER.
That face is so cute! <3 and hilarious xD
And voilà! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :3
Happy Simming!
For the Simmers that don’t have a Facebook account,