i'm a very lucky girl. i've been blessed to have the BEST people in my life. i have the best of both worlds both in warren and at central. i have those people who i've grown up with and the older you get, you need those poeple and i've been fortunate enough to meet great friends who i will have for a long while also at CMU. and then there even a few i've gotten to have both ways! i'm happy & content with everything and i'm SO excited to continue to meet new people and continue with the friendships i have now.SPAN>
this will probably be the last update til school stats. This summer went slow at times and super fast at others. I did get to do everything i want to do. I made mad cash at both jobs. I love picano’s and hate papa vino’s. i’ll return to picano’s for christmas after all i was begged to ;). The first summer after college is a big change, you get to see how everyone changed etc. it was good times though for sure. sophomore year is about to begin i can’t believe it. it’s going to be a whole year of adventures and growing. ps i don't have any good pics of my moceri pal but a big thanks to jami for walking down to keep me company and adopting me for a pistons game.
here's a summer good-bye/what to look forward to at CMU/randomness in pictures (some of you might not look your best but that's the best part!):
this school year i will look forward to spending lots of time with the fowlerville girls<3:
the further corruption of lynz:
cassie will be back!:
partying with cassie & spaced out jill lmao:
drinking & watching countless hours of tv with these 2 (nick & tina):
random WEEKday nights with lauren & nina :) :
out-drinking matt all the time:
visiting crazy jamie at state:
and mallory will be there!:
this summer i spent a lot of time with these people who i looooove (even in the gross rain):
my 04 girls <3 (and i will be visiting EL all the time. can't live without becki's stories):
good times with meha & sonya and the rest of the best family ever:
i wish i could've seen more of my phae!! <3:
vivi goes to the rival school but i still love her:
and i can't forget about the one and only amanda grant:
didn't get to see ashley much this summer :( ... but she is still one of my favs:
and i didn't get to see jen or shayna (well maybe shayna once or twice) ... but we still got that connection:
i even got to see rob a couple random times!:
robbie too!:
EDIT: i can’t forget about josie. there’s no way i could forget about this diva, and thankfully i got to see her too:
kristi you are random but that’s what i love about you, it was nice to see you and hear some good stories:
and last but not least, my best friend in the world who i spent a lot of time with this summer, the honorary central michigan chippewa, carolynn elizabeth:
but of course i will miss the best grandma in the world, mia:
well that's it for summer 2005. here we go again, off to our colleges working hard or hardly working but one thing is for sure, partying hard!! make the best of it and you definitely learn more about yourself and others outside of the classroom. i made the tribute because everyone holds a place in my heart & always will no matter how many miles apart we are. too many memories have been made. i wish everyone all the happiness in the world this year whether i talk to you or not. i guess that's it. here's to summer and all the adventures that await us all! peace bra's! oh and comment too. :)