Jun 15, 2008 18:57
I'm really stressed out right now because there's like, constant yelling in my house. And when there isn't yelling, there's that angry tense silence which is almost worse. Makes me think a lot about how people get this way, hopefully that information will help me figure out how NOT to get that way. What makes people who were once in love - allegedly - stay up till the early hours of the morning screaming at each other off and on with not speaking to each other for over 25 years? The divorce rate is like, half. Are the other half people like my parents, who stay in relationships "because of the kids", which ends up screwing them up so they wonder how people get that way? None of the healthy married couples I know - which are many - seem to matter as examples to me because I'm so pessimistic because of the dysfunction I'm constantly exposed to at home.