The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
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bzoink!What is your favorite..gumorbitrestaurantsubway!drinkvirgin strawberry dacquri (sp)seasonsummer/wintertype of weatherhot or snowyemotionhappything to do on a half dayhang out with friendslate-night activitymovies/talksportdancecitychicagostorehollisterWhen was the last time you..criedtodayplayed a sportyesterdaylaughedtodayhugged someonetodaykissed someonetodayfelt depressedtodayfelt elateddefinition?felt overworkedyesterdayfaked sick3 days agoliedfibbed- todayWhat was the last..word you saidnothingthing you atepeachsong you listened toall downhill from herething you drankpropelplace you went tocarnivalmovie you sawwhite chicksmovie you rentedwhite chicksconcert you attendedaquire the fireWho was the last person you..huggedtravcried overtravkissedtravdanced withtravshared a secret withmatthad a sleepover withtaylorcalledtravwent to a movie withtravsawtravwere angry withmyselfcouldn't take your eyes off oftravobsessed overtravHave you ever..danced in the rainyeskissed someoneyesdone drugsnopedrank alcoholnopeslept aroundnopartied 'til the sun came upyeshad a movie marathonyesgone too far on a dare..kindaspun until you were immensely dizzyYES! sh05! dizzystick!taken a survey quite like this beforeyes
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