(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 11:10

The best opinion I've read thus far:

"The discussion in the Senate and many of the comments on the news article "Bipartisan Push to Trim Size of Stimulus Plan" have degenerated into nonsense. The point of the stimulus plan is to spend money, not "save" it.

Republican politicians who defended outrageously wasteful spending and unaccounted for billions in, say, Iraq, suddenly are worried about billions to aid U.S. states whose tax revenues have fallen drastically. (Thanks to Jon Stewart for showing clips of statements today contrasted with statements 2, 3, 4 years ago. Where are the main TV news shows on this?)

Helping states keep hospitals, schools, mental health clinics etc etc functioning is wasteful? What about St. Louis, for example, where the city is cutting public bus service to save money just when ridership is up? How are people of modest income supposed to get to work?

Or California which is reported to be paying state employees with IOU's? Can people pay for food, housing, gas, health insurance, shoes for the children, with IOU's? Education is wasteful? Does Senator Collins believe that the unemployed in Maine can heat their houses for free? It's 9F in Cambridge, MA, as I write.

Senator Thune wastes his time ranting on about how high a stack of a trillion one dollar bills reaches into space rather than thinking how federal funding can help the citizens he represents in South Dakota.

Where's the Democratic leadership? Where's Obama's insistence on doing what is right? If Republican senators and blue dog Democrats don't want federal fund for their states let them "save" the federal government money by refusing to have funds "wasted" in their states. And then defend their decisions to their constituents."

"What good is a tax cut WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB!!!???!!!"
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