Because Cei and Seb did it and turnabout is only fair: pick a character of mine and go to to generate 5 random numbers from 1-100. Comment with the character name and those numbers and I'll answer from this list: .
Reference list of characters:
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"Evil" is such a loaded term, isn't it? And usually rather subjective, especially by those who seem to throw it around the most. But...
I suppose if we're being honest (and I'm -always- honest), the most recent example that springs to mind would be that business with those two elves last year. Nasty affair, that - I'm not proud of it. Glad I was able to help in the cleanup.
48. What do you believe makes a successful life?
-Truly- successful? Finding answers to all your questions, discovering all the secrets you knew were there, outwitting someone you -know- is smarter than you are. Once I get there, I'll be satisfied.
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
Optimistic, naturally! What's the point of being pessimistic? You'll never succeed unless you believe you can, and no situation is -completely- hopeless for one who retains their wits!
70. What is/are your favourite hobbies and pastimes?
Oh, there are -so- many to choose from. Hm... I enjoy spending time at taverns. Always new stories or gossip to be heard, enjoyable company, good drinks... what's not to love? of course, there are so many other things I enjoy too... it's so hard to settle on one. Tinkering, exploring, reading, sexing, drinking, plotting, working... they all have a place!
78. What makes you laugh?
Oh, how do you number the stars in the sky? So many reasons to laugh. A clever joke, delivered in precise deadpan is devilishly hard to top, though I'm also quite partial to a good-natured prank. Say, as a hypothetical example, if one were to sign up a friend for a year's subscription to a goblin sex magazine. Now -that's- funny!
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