The Death of Osama bin Laden

May 02, 2011 09:37

When I got on my Facebook this morning and saw several of my friends saying stuff about Osama bin Laden being dead, I just couldn't believe it! I got on and sure enough, U.S. forces had stormed his compound sometime last night and shot him in the head! They buried him at sea and handled the body in the customary Islamic way, so I'm just hoping there's not a Muslim backlash about this. He was not a Muslim leader - he killed just as many Muslims as Americans, maybe more. I am just happy that he is finally dead almost ten years after the Sept. 11th attacks and I hope that this will lead to a easier War on Terror, although I don't think the war will ever be truly over.
It is an uplifting sight to see my countrymen singing around the site of the Twin Towers and in front of the White House. I hope this will continue to be a unifying moment for my country as Sept. 11th was in a tragic sort of way.
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