Title: Communication Notwithstanding
Fandom: Farscape
Author: Rose Wilde-Irish
Rating: R
Summary: Translator microbes are a bitch.
He could still see, albiet blurrily.
The one who'd jokingly said to call him God was wiping off his face. Sweat mixed with blood, John's blood. God eyed the cloth with distaste and cast it aside.
"He understands what I'm saying, I know it," he said with disgust.
"But he only answers in English?" The new arrival seemed as relentless as God.
"Yes, dammit, only in English."
New arrival sighed. "How long until we get someone here who understands it?"
God shook his head and shrugged. "Unknown. Hopefully before I lose all patience and kill him."
New Arrival gave him a withering look. "It would be best for you if you did not."
God said nothing, giving him a look instead that said he already knew that. "Any luck on the ship?"
"No," New Arrival said. John decided to call him Newbie. Not his most original nickname, but he was handicapped.
Hopefully not permanently.
"It is nothing like any American design we have seen. Advanced, with cloaking technology that we can't begin to understand."
"Any idea what brought it down?"
"None." Both men looked at John, who stared back out of the one eye. He tried to follow the sounds instead of the words, tried to learn whatever it was they were speaking, but he couldn't focus. Each time he tried, a fresh wave of pain would disrupt him, derail his train of thought until the wave subsided.
He had a feeling that if he couldn't figure out the trick of listening instead of understanding, his options would soon dwindle down. He struggled to push himself up as God approached, falling weakly down as he felt things inside shift that weren't meant to do so.
"Let's try this again, shall we?" God asked, picking up something John remembered only for the pain it brought.
"Please," he whimpered, before God closed the distance and made the world receed.
Not what I'd hoped, but that's the fear with Farscape fic. The damned series was so good, it pretty much fucks you up for writing in it. But this one wouldn't let me alone, and now the bunnies are insisting Moya can find the Pegasus Galaxy...