Feb 14, 2006 18:50
Here is something of a rant.
I was talking to this kid the other day, a friend of a friend and boy did he annoy me. My friend Nikki commented on how it was like the first time she hadn't seen me wearing my Hogwarts hoodie and this kid jumps right in. He had read all the books and was cocky about it. He started off telling me that dumbledore wasn't dead. But there are a lot of theories about that, so this didn't surprise me, he was just so cocky about it, certain he was right. He explained that the death was planned, that Snape and Dumbledore were in on it together, they were the only two who knew and that the funeral was staged. Dumbledore took a sleeping potion or something. So i asked what the point of such theatrics would be and he said so that dumbly go work in secret against you-know-who. Which I don't buy. Dumbledore has been working against him for how many years and never felt it'd be easier in secret before. Besides, Dumbly would never put his students, faculty etc. through something like that. We all know dumbledore and he just wouldn't cause people unneccesary pain like that, besides I'm sure it made the situation everyone is facing a lot worse when then they realized the only person you-know-who ever feared had died. Plus, I mentioned that JKR it very traditional and had already used the haha you thought i was dead routine several times (think pettigrew, and crouch jr.) she recycles ideas, but not often the big ones. Besides JK has said before and obviously indicated in the books that harry needs to go on alone. It's also something that happens a lot in literature, the wise old mentor guy kicks the bucket.
So, then this kid went onto tell me that, it doesn't matter because JKR doesn't write the books anymore anyway. He kept saying what a bad writer she was. He claimed that she still made the idea but that a new team of editors write it. ...... Mhmm, I see. So I asked him why there were still so many editorial mistakes and problems in the books if a team of editors did all the work, to which he replied that they had to leave some of her bad writing. So, considering there is nothing factual to back up this theory I concluded he wasn't worth the time.
I hate dumb people, and this kid was just begging for an award.