steampunk AU, footwear troubles

Jan 30, 2015 09:10

The steampunk AUfic is turning out to be kind of a monster, given that I'm 4 chapters and around 20k in, and it feels like it's just really finished the beginning stages. I'm guessing 40-60k.

It seems to be something that will really work episodically. I'm wondering (ironically) if I should start posting this in rough chapter by chapter on Tumblr, and probably here as well, but Tumblr is where the 'Haven AU' game started and lives, so it makes sense to put it there as a priority -- and then as I tidy up properly put it on AO3 and ffn edited and beta-read chapter by chapter as it's sorted.

Given how I am with WIPs, though, I don't know if I should be nearer completing before starting to post any parts of it.

We have a little bit of snow here. Yesterday I went to work in my trainers, and changed shoes when I got there, only to discover the trainers have big holes in the heels as I was setting out back (now propped up with cardboard). That's the two pairs of shoes most likely to be of use in snow/ice that have gone in the space of a few days. And while I've bought replacements, I haven't worn them in yet. I may well end up wearing trainers with cardboard in the soles for another week.

I have to go out to a leaving do for someone at work tonight. Given I'm still walking there, too, I have to figure out what on earth I'll put on my feet.

fic bitching, rl

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