End of Year Fic Meme

Jan 01, 2015 21:12

Last year's meme is here: http://roseveare.dreamwidth.org/37961.html

I'll do this about the stories that got posted in 2014, some of which were written in 2013. There are several stories that I wrote in 2014 that are as-yet-unposted but I'll leave those for the future so people will have some idea what I'm talking about.

Total Stories: 21
Total Het Stories: 2
Total Slash Stories: 6
Total Femslash Stories: 0 (2 if you count the polyamory fics with a f/f component)
Total Three or Moresome Stories: 6
Total Gen Stories: 7
Total Fandoms Written In: 2 (Haven, 3x3 Eyes)
Total Word Count: 279,000... at least, that's what a quick count gets. Idk if it's right, that sounds like a lot.

Four Times Duke or Nathan Got Caught in the Crossfire (& One Time They Didn't) by roseveare for Lyrstzha
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Audrey Parker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Audrey Parker is immune to the Troubles. Less so the two guys standing beside her...

The Man Who Talked to Cats and Other Troubles by roseveare for thetidebreaks
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Jennifer Mason (Haven)
Summary: Jennifer sets about her own investigation of the Troubles, their reality or otherwise and its reflection on her sanity, and ultimately what it means to be Troubled in Haven.

Nathan Wuornos' Winter Vacation by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: On the run dodging Guard assassins, dealing with bullet wound complications and destructive drinking bouts, working with volunteer crews decking the town for the festive season... Life reconstructed among motels, shelters, gas stations and scrap yards. Christmas 2010 and the holiday plan of Nathan's lifetime.

Cape Haven by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: Nathan Wuornos used to be a superhero. Now he's Police Chief of the little Maine town of Haven. But in the face of worrying statistics and a growing amount of trouble, he may need to don a costume again to lead a new team of heroes if he's going to make a difference.

Ghost Town by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Audrey Parker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: A horror Trouble hits Haven. Duke's undead and Audrey's neck looks far too tempting. Nathan's dead (again) and has his hands full with former residents of Haven who want a piece of him. Audrey's hoping to solve this Trouble before the fake body count turns into a real one, but it's going to be tricky considering her new status as the one viable human victim left in town...

Risen by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Sequel to Unbreakable. When Jordan turns up dead with Duke's brother suspected, the deal struck for Nathan's life with the Guard and his relationship with Duke are put under strain. But then it seems Jordan isn't going to take death lying down...

Containment Integrity by roseveare for Dahlia_Moon
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: Agent Howard is not dead...

Squared (2²) by roseveare for BlackEyedGirl
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Jennifer Mason/Audrey Parker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Jennifer Mason feels like she’s an idiot who accidentally fell into a foursome.

Breathe by roseveare for Dorinda
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Duke tries to teach Nathan how to meditate. Set season 4 after 'The New Girl'.

Winter's Flotsam by roseveare for Dorinda
Fandoms: Haven
Dwight Hendrickson/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: It's been a hard winter for Nathan and Dwight, and they're both a little worn at the edges. But maybe the wear and tear can bring them closer.

The Great Looney Tunes Caper of 2010 by roseveare for TaffySinclair
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Audrey Parker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Haven has become a cartoon. Audrey would like to solve this Trouble... if only she can rein in the antics of Detective Numbty and his arch nemesis Duke Crooked long enough to try.

Eurydice's Adventures in the Underworld by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Audrey Parker/Nathan Wuornos, Mara/Nathan Wuornos/William
Summary: Mara and Nathan search for William on the other side of the gate.

Redemption of Killers and Rogues by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: Jordan survives Wade Crocker's descent into madness. Now she has to live with what she set in motion.

Pinocchio is Bleeding by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Duke and Nathan wake up to discover their bodies battered and their memories missing three days - and events no-one will disclose that left a death toll in double figures.

Body Guard by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Jordan McKee/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: It's never simple with Jordan. Five(ish) times she saves Nathan's life.

Fix by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Audrey Parker/Jordan McKee/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Jordan is tired of Audrey shooting her hurt looks when she and Nathan are together. There's only one way to fix this with everyone winning.

Reserve by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: Nathan is reserved. That's why, when a Trouble cracks apart all that stoic resolve, it takes maybe a week or so to come to terms with it. (Duke/Nathan, Audrey.)

Twisted by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos
Summary: A Haven fairy tale, with a damsel in a tower, dark enchanted forests, star-crossed romance, and a warning -- to love your neighbour, whatever they may be.

Do-Over by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: Mara kills them all and loves them all. Post season 4 finale.

Haven - The Naked Truth by roseveare
Fandoms: Haven
Summary: The day started off lousy at the point Jordan realised she was naked in the middle of the grocery store. It went downhill from there.

Hong Kong Monster Tales
Fandoms: 3x3 Eyes
Summary: Yakumo returns to Yogekisha after his first year of travels, and swiftly finds himself put to work guarding demonic artefacts, ghostbusting for little old ladies, and desperately trying to side-step Ling-Ling's attempts to make him write for the magazine.

I wrote/posted a ridiculous amount this year. And okay, that is going to change next year. I am going to get out more. ;)

Favorite story of my own: Eurydice's Adventures in the Underworld is hands-down my evil baby of this year. Just being able to go all the places with that which I wanted to go, and take Nathan and Mara to other worlds, and address all the tangle of darkness lying between them, and make it epic and operatic and... SFX heavy in ways that could never work on the screen.

My best story of the year: I am gonna go for Redemption of Killers and Rogues because I think it does something and fulfils something and goes a place where fiction frequently fails to go. And after vaguing it up completely I will say that there's a message in media that we need to say Fuck You to more often, and that's this idea of a woman who is "damaged goods" in some way - which is itself an artificial definition decided by others - having no path but to die karmically or die in the twist of redemption. Screw that. Redeeming is about living and meaning and intending and doing. And that's the rage this fic was trying to capture. Reserve is my most popular by kudos, The Naked Truth by hits. The hits to kudos ratio of Redemption and a few others is far better though.

My story most underappreciated by the universe: Eeeeh, nothing did badly. I would have liked if Eurydice got more attention because it feels like people have been asking me to write Audrey/Nathan for an age. Then again, probably those requests weren't anticipating the William element, and anyway, the reason I don't generally write Audrey/Nathan is because I think it's a foregone conclusion that people won't like my approach to it. I think there are levels of obsession and need and manipulation in there, which isn't to say that it can't work as a pairing for me, but if you want fluff ... no.

It's something of a puzzle to me why The Great Looney Tunes Caper didn't fare better, not that it did horribly, but it's OT3 and just my general impression is that that is more popular. Perhaps it's the ugliness and out-thereness of the Duke and Nathan characature versions in the cartoon world. Which I guess is hard to romanticise and sexy. Hong Kong Monster Tales on account of 3x3 Eyes has no fandom. ;_;

My most fun story: Tie between The Great Looney Tunes Caper and The Naked Truth? OMG, but then there was Cape Haven this year, as well, wasn't there? I had so much fun with the superhero AU. And the Yuletide treat I wrote in one day. (Reserve is also pretty funny. So five out-and-out comedy/parody stories this year. That's a lot for me.) Actually I think I'll go for Looney Tunes on this one because the cartoons came hand in hand with that fic, and I'm still having huge fun with those months later, and the cartoons would never have happened at all without this story.

My sexiest story: Squared. Ahahahaha. All the people signed up for Troublesfest and I ended up being the one to write explicit foursome porn. Which kind of amuses me when I think about it. I'd never written a foursome, never thought about how one would write or negotiate a foursome. I just dove in, into the porn as well as everything else. I didn't have time to think. It was a pinch hit. I just wrote.

Story with single sexiest moment: I like the Duke/Nathan relationship in Risen. There's a moment when they're kissing in public, when Duke grabs Nathan on the front of the car and pulls him in... there are a few moments in that fic.

Story with single sweetest moment: Perhaps not what this question's anticipating, but I like the moment in Nathan Wuornos' Winter Vacation when the old vagrant saves Nathan's life then reveals he wouldn't share with him the waste turkey. There's the moment in Ghost Town where Evi's just gone and Duke and Nathan are reunited after spending the whole story apart. Squared has a few moments between Jen and Nathan that I like: Duke trying to persuade Jen that Nathan's a pudding.

Most unintentionally *telling* story: I have no freakin' clue. I'd guess that if you take Redemption of Killers and Rogues and Nathan Wuornos' Winter Vacation and maybe The Naked Truth and Breathe there are things - smaller things, not the most dramatic things in the case of the first two - about me, my experience of the world, and my beliefs that you can divine from those stories, each in vastly different ways.

Holy crap that’s *wrong*: Now I have to weigh up the comparative levels of wrongness of Eurydice, Redemption and Risen, and they all have pretty big stakes in this area. Risen horrified my betas, so maybe that one. It has that element of partner-inflicted dubious consent which I would guess is a hard one to take on. But then Redemption starts with a brutal rape scene and Eurydice is all about compromised consent on multiple levels.

Most disappointing story: Uhm... I have no real feelings for Reserve, which isn't to say that it's done disappointingly, it's actually more because it's done really well... but it kind of makes me squint and go "really? for serious?" every time it gets more kudos because it's such a disposable little crackfic and yet it's one of my most popular fics. And I think that's a sad statement on fandom, in a way. I guess it's cheerful and that's the divide from the longer stuff like Risen and Pinocchio is Bleeding that are also explicit slash and had so much more effort put in them. What's with people not liking my depressing messed-up fics? *blink*

Hardest to write: Euridyce's Adventures in the Underworld was the slog from hell. I badly wanted to write it, but it resisted all the way.

Easiest to write: Redemption of Killers and Rogues wrote itself in three days, Risen in about... either seven or eleven, I can't remember now. Whether you could say that was easy I am not sure, because they wrung me out emotionally pretty thoroughly. Particularly Redemption. I have two less demanding one-day stories, in Squared and Four TImes Duke or Nathan Got Caught in the Crossfire, so it might be more accurate to say one of those in terms of "easy", but they didn't sing like the other two.

This year’s theme and the story that demonstrates that: Polyamory. Nudity. Crack. Cartoons. Compromised consent. There's nothing that unifies it all, but I did write 4 different polyamory character sets in 6 different fics when I haven't really written a lot of that before, I guess the poly wins out as the major new theme of the year.

What story do you want to have written: The one I'm writing right now, because it's due for a fic exchange and OMG *flail*. Other than that, Sea Change IV and the ending to the 100+k Nano novel.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year? Finish the Nano 2013 novel. Dammit.

I want to say something about Winter's Flotsam because it hasn't caught a mention here but I really like that fic, like the idea of someone becoming confident in sex as an escape from the real world and salve against suicide. Like the idea of Dwight/Nathan in general and would really like to write more of that. And also I want to mention Twisted, which is Sea Change III and resisted the writing process hard and got so damn dark, but I'm proud of it, for not going to obvious places.

EDIT: Missed one. I posted Hong Kong Monster Tales in April, even though it was written a few years ago now. So that makes it two fandoms.

haven, fic whining, fanfic

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