Your favorite single panel (or page) of a comic/manga. :) -
alessandriana This is the one I've put back a few times, because I knew I had to think about it and plus, that it was going to involve scanning the images, so I finally got around to that this morning, and I've picked out a few things. Actually, now I'm wondering if maybe I've gone more in depth than was ever intended... :)
LOL, I'm not a comics art connoisseur, and there's an extent to which this is always going to depend on what I'm reading at the time, and whether I'm reading a lot of manga/comics at the time, and whether I'm drawing at the time, which is going to affect how seriously I'm thinking about this kind of thing. I haven't done a lot of drawing in a few years now, and haven't been doing a whole lot of reading either, though I have a lot of manga and comics at home.
I am however on Judge Anderson at the moment, having got vol 1-3 of The PSI Files for Christmas from my dad. So here's the rather nice page that I opened up to last night:
I'd say that I like character-defining images a lot. There's the physicality of Anderson, which is sexy but more establishing tough and feminine than diving into fanservice, as well as functional with the bulk of the uniform, and the narration, which all come together nicely here and sum up the things which make Anderson.
Probably a similar reason that the first image that sprang into mind when I was given this prompt was this one, of Edward Elric, which is from the very first chapter and is also almost everything you need to know about this character in a nutshell:
You can see the automail just poking through the boot, and Al's face with its gravity tempering Ed's cocky little grin, and the dialogue.
Returning to Judge Anderson, I was delighted to find this particular storyline and panel when I opened Vol #3 last night. I've never bought 2000AD, just borrowed other people's copies back when I was at university, because honestly the only character I do like is Anderson. So while I didn't have a copy, this story with its Alice in Wonderland imagery and Anderson going into the destroyed psyche of an abused child ended up living in my head for years.
The sort of comics art I really enjoy most tends to be the weird, psychedelic and surreal, perhaps slightly disturbing imagery that does stick in the mind.
So here's Elektra Lives Again. I don't think there's a page in the whole graphic novel which isn't simultaneously beautiful and horrible (this is Frank Miller, after all). Which made it difficult to decide which pages to scan, although I picked some of the less grotesque, since it's going on LJ.
It's not listed as one, but this is a Daredevil book and that is Matt Murdock.
Most of the comics I talk about are manga, but when it came to this question it was hard to bring any single panels or pages of manga to mind. I love Yuzo Takada's work but it's more a case of the flow of the visual storytelling and the visual characterisation than any single "wow" images. I think that visual flow might be a more integral part of manga in general. Also, whenever I see huge impressive wham shots and details backdrops in manga, I'm always suspicious about how many assistants were involved in producing them. :)