'__________ Productions'

Aug 30, 2008 19:21

Can anyone explain to me the whole '____________ Productions' thing on youtube because I don't get it at all. I've seen this with anime videos in particular where it's like half the vidders in a particular fandom list themselves of being part of a handful of huge vidding conglomerates and then the vids under the group account or individual member accounts just dominate all the search and 'related' listings.

I can only imagine it's some kind of collaborative viding hijinks, but how the hell would you collaborate a vid with that many people? I can't even imagine a vidding collaboration with 2 people. That or, indeed, it IS a cynical way to dominate the fandom's search listings.

To be honest it freaks me out. I look at it and think 'OMFG you been ASSIMILATED BY THE BORG!!!!' I can't imagine ever wanting to join something like that. Please tell me if I am getting the wrong end of the stick?

*is immature*


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