Bwaha. I just spent a silly amount of time playing with my personalised dungeon on this. Best spam evah.
I escaped from the Dungeon of Roseveare!
I killed Bcassie the leprechaun, Dlgood the rat, Fragilistikal the kobold, Wesley Pryce the mind flayer, Sack O Potatoes the leprechaun, Paheli the kobold and Feralcatboy the leprechaun.
I looted a Figurine of Xrogue81, a Figurine of Demon Faith, the Axe of Starkers, the Armour of Zyre, the Dagger of Regala Electra, the Axe of Lakrids404, a Figurine of Ravurian, a Figurine of Tintinalle, the Sceptre of Fred/gunn, the Dagger of Texas Markoya, the Shield of Ds9, the Dagger of Mogigraphia, the Armour of Wesley/gunn, the Axe of Cordy, the Amulet of Wednesday Child and 186 gold pieces.
Score: 436
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