something really quick for spain's national day;;; not happy with this sob jdksald i-i'm so sorry spain you deserve so much better than this! TmT
spain is a beautiful country with really nice people (i have friends who would beg to differ thoughOTLCRY)! i haven't exactly gone to very many places but really really enjoyed the part of spain i went to the last time! ;v;/// everyone should go to spain at least once in their lives i think! TvTb///
oh right speaking of spain, i'm doing spanish classes in school! it's pretty tricky (the way the lessons are taught aren't exactly the best i feel as well??;;;) but hopefully i'd be able to kind of speak un poco español at the end of the course! TvT;;;
have also been working on
that long-drawn giru/eli doujin
sigh my plan was to finish it by valentine's but i-i don't think it's possible; this mini project has been encroaching too much on studying time as well TmT!!